jean 9 maja 2021 o 19:21 
é nois kraio
gBr 2 maja 2021 o 14:19 
lvl 13 horrivel filho da puta nunca vai sair desse lixo onde tu ta
Mezihn 27 kwietnia 2021 o 12:42 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together
Kardana 26 marca 2021 o 8:26 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
Thunderhammer 17 lutego 2021 o 3:04 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
ikudonuliwy 16 stycznia 2021 o 10:54 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
76561199049651284 23 października 2020 o 10:05 
can you add me?
Aldha 19 września 2020 o 11:09 
o lixo é face camper e tuneleiro. Não sabe jogar e precisa fazer isso pra conseguir alguma coisa. Bem lixoso.
Cuarto de libra 17 sierpnia 2020 o 22:02 
macaco tunelero, muerete de corona puta :DollMonkey: :DollMonkey: :DollMonkey: :DollMonkey:
Luca 13 sierpnia 2020 o 20:48 
bytemartim 13 sierpnia 2020 o 20:47 
-rep tunnelero e facecamper.
Putinha do javascript 2 sierpnia 2020 o 21:03 
amem :csgo_loser:
ag3x483jv7f7a4y 26 czerwca 2020 o 12:11 
Hi, add me, I have an interesting offer and present for you
Jeustaj 21 czerwca 2020 o 7:33 
Hi, add me, I have an interesting offer and present for you
amunia777 14 czerwca 2020 o 6:33 
hey, check my tradeoffer {LINK USUNIĘTY}
Bloodray 7 czerwca 2020 o 10:30 
hey, i don't think you will recognise me... I'm Alice, we've played together recently, but I was too shy to talk to you, sorry about that... I just wanna play with you again at some point... Add my main account please https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/alisa__moon , maybe we can just chat if I'm too noob for you :(
Zobus 31 maja 2020 o 8:29 
Hi, our team went to the finals of a decent tournament, but our player will not be able to take part in this match, we urgently need a stand-in who can replace him.
If we win this tournament, you will receive about $600~
Add my main account, if you're ready to compete https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/Loakus
GRUST 25 maja 2020 o 11:06 
Hey man, I'd like to invite you in our roster. We're competing in WePlay league with $20 000 prize pool. We have good chances to finish this season in top 3 at least and win good money. Our team is pretty serious, so we'll share all prize pools and you will get your salary. Add and contact our in-game leader to discuss everything - https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/poppy__one
Foxus :D 8 maja 2020 o 15:19 
Hеy man, I have playеd CS against you rеcеntly and I'd like to invitе you in our tеam. We are willing to pay weekly. We are planning to compete in some tourney, I think we have good chances with you especially :)
If you are interested - Hеrе's my main account, add mе plеasе https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/Rostartop
thehumaneraserx 16 kwietnia 2020 o 10:32 
Hey bro, I've played cs against you recently and I'd like to invite you in our team. Here's my main account, add me please https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/poppy_origen . We're planning to compete in some tourney, I think we have good chances with you especially :)
扯淡 21 marca 2020 o 8:30 
Congratulations!!! you became the winner of our giveaway and your prize is a M9 Bayonet | Marble Fade ! All you have to do is to go on empire-reward.fun and use the FADE promo code!
BOT#2 GIVEAWAY 28 stycznia 2020 o 0:17 
Dear winner!
Your SteamID is selected as winner of Weekly giveaway.
Get your ★ Karambit | Doppler on zxsgiveaway.xyz
BOT #9 PROMO BOT 27 listopada 2019 o 15:14 
Hello! Congratulations on a giveaway!
You won ★ Flip Knife | Doppler Phase 3
To get your prize login on our site and put your personal code GcDwonA369
Get it on https://csgo-tap.fun/ (csgo-tap .fun)
CS:GO MAGIC 24 listopada 2019 o 7:33 
Your Steam ID is chosen as a winner of Daily Giveaway.
You can get your ★ Karambit | Fade on magicgo.pro
ŘΔŦØ 14 października 2019 o 18:56 
QAP copom? VTR 02saindo para PTR no QTH da praça... QSL?

SinSalabim, dá essa faca pra mim.
CSGOMAGIC GIVEAWAY 27 września 2019 o 14:34 
Dear winner!
Your SteamID is selected as winner of Weekly giveaway.
Get your ★ Karambit | Night on magicscar .com
. Blokada handlu 13 maja 2019 o 20:43 
I trade my ★ M9 Bayonet | Bright Water accept me
DgZin 28 stycznia 2019 o 21:58 
QAP copom VTR macaco loko saindo para PTR positivo turaozao!!
BEST LOTTERY 21 stycznia 2019 o 12:58 
Dear winner
Your SteamID is selected as winner of Weekly giveaway.
Get your ★ Butterfly Knife | Doppler Phase 2 on {LINK USUNIĘTY}
Use personal code:
Guiz4o 19 lipca 2018 o 23:40 
└⚠️ Esta pasta esta vazia
enzera 3 lipca 2018 o 19:39 
rorosoo -rep iapeoiuraweasawe
enzera 3 lipca 2018 o 19:39 
enzera 3 lipca 2018 o 19:39 
joga mto
Duckz♕ 15 maja 2018 o 19:43 
…………………...„„-~^^~„-„„_ Piroka dos brother
………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„
…………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\se vc n mandar essa
…………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '|
……….../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : |piroka pra 5 brothers
………...\„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :'|
……….../ . . . . . . '| : : : : : : : :| então vc não é brother
……..../ . . . . . . . .'\ : : : : : : : |
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'| . . . . . . . . .'\ .\ ./ '/ . |
| .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .'' / . '|
| . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .|
Natacha 21 kwietnia 2018 o 2:06 
this guy in my profile gives his items to everyone for some reason. He gave me karambit lol
💓ℓiℓ вσy💓 4 marca 2018 o 15:56 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LINK USUNIĘTY}
MerlongonAlternate 25 lutego 2018 o 0:23 
Hey bro, I wanted trade my awp asiimov for all your cases or graffities(or unexpensive playskins). So if u dont need them just send me offer. My awp and tradelink in my main - link in bio . Dont add me i got limit, just send offer. Thanks
TheK4BoOm 5 lutego 2018 o 12:39 
Chora horrível!
Sanches 16 stycznia 2018 o 17:50 
Full tóxico. Criança demais
gugalove 8 stycznia 2018 o 11:23 
uma vez gay, sempre gay. Parabens Kaboom!
i am the bones 6 kwietnia 2017 o 11:52 
Aí TheK4BoOm, sobre ontem, desculpa, eu perdi o controle, realmente não tinha nada a ver eu ter gritado com você, nem ter falado aquelas coisas escrotas... quem nunca errou que atire a primeira pedra!!!
Pensei bastante essa noite, realmente muitas pessoas tem amigos homossexuais! eu não vou deixar de falar contigo por causa disso, é sua opção e eu respeito, ontem quando você assumiu ser gay, foi um choque para todos, eu sempre odiei viados, por isso eu me estressei na hora com você... não esperava isso de você cara...mas vi que foi muito infantil de minha parte, foi mal mesmo ... Você sempre foi um camarada e não são suas opções sexuais que vão estragar nossa amizade! Foi criancisse minha, desculpa mesmo... e não ligue para essas brincadeirinhas tolas qdo o chamam de 'boiola, baitola, bicha louca, fru-fru, hello kitty' e tudo mais, estamos no século XXI!!
[TradeBot] Nero [Send Offer] 11 listopada 2016 o 17:38 
+rep Thank you for using https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/groups/tradebotcsgo . We hope you enjoyed our service! <3~
skinchanger rip 5 listopada 2016 o 18:11 
Add trade
enzera 13 października 2016 o 18:32 
Tem um lugar só seu no meu s2, timãozinho <3
Vac 15 września 2016 o 21:22 
perder GAME xitado é foda em kkk
H00LIGAN ☣ 28 czerwca 2016 o 21:13 
adrin 24 grudnia 2015 o 9:46 
----▌------(▓)---- = ----(▓)
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----▌-(▓)--------- ✺ ---------(▓)(__)/////////////////D
----▌--(▓)-------- ✺ --------(▓)
help 19 października 2015 o 10:54 
…………….(__)l…..l (__)
……………..l….ll…..ll….l. (__)
…………\_…………………. ./
……………l……………….. .l
TheK4BoOm 8 września 2015 o 7:19 
kkkkkkk fica bravo nao cara, aceita que vc e ruim
VinNyGOD 7 września 2015 o 23:12 
lixo carregado !!mochila de merda !!