Obeseus the Wide
General of the 600th lb MAGA Battalion
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Employment 3 Dec, 2022 @ 10:23am 
Quittews nevew win, and winnews nevew quit, Champ! When I was youw age, we wewe facing ouw cwoss-town wivaws ovew at Awwentown Pwep. They wewe the best team in the entiwe state, and they had this monstew of a defensive end: A huge fewwa by the name of Chet Andews. He was 6'5 and 260 pounds -- ow he was untiw I dove at his knees on a cut bwock and took him out. Sheew wuck it took the pawamedics 15 minutes to get him to stop scweaming. And that was with the scouts fwom Awabama and Notwe Dame in attendance. Wast I heawd, he weapt off a bwidge aftew he couwdn't even hack it in Hacwamanee Community Cowwege as a thiwd-stwingew.

The point is that you've gotta gwab wife by the howns. And the best way to do that is to wawk into the stowe wike you own the pwace, wook the managew in the eye, give him a fiwm handshake, and teww him that you'we not wetting go untiw he tewws you when you can stawt. Getting a job is that simpwe, Champ!
Aldric 4 Nov, 2022 @ 6:27pm 
Nefarioc 30 Sep, 2022 @ 7:31pm 
Smurf_Eater420 14 Mar, 2020 @ 6:45pm 
whats for honor