I see you like stalking me. I dont mind.   United States
CBT (Read my profile before adding me)
Thank you to those who are with me. You are wonderful people.
For those who want to add me for whatever reason. (updated 4/19/24)

TLDR: Dont be an ass, have info in your profile, dont try to scam, actually hit me up if you wanna play some games.
Just don't expect me to accept your request if I have no idea who you are, its best to leave a comment for a reason to adding me.

-BIG NOTICE:If you add me then try to scam me of my items please leave. I am getting tired of people doing that.

-BIG NOTICE 2: I know this will never be seen by bots, but if you are one trying to add me, you will be immediately blocked.

-Comments from bots/scammers are immediately purged. I do not accept friend requests because you randomly put +rep on my profile.

-Comment for your reason for adding me. Due to recent events, I am being more strict on who I add.

-I'll never accept those who have their profile private (Ill only count if your account says that its private, not that you privated your inventory or games)

-Also have something put in your profile too. Someone with no information on their profile is kind of hard to tell who you are.

-No, even though my name has "Fox" in it, I'm not really too into furry culture. Just keep that in mind.

-I am not very social. Its hard for me to strike a conversation. So dont expect me to say hi often, unless you are in the same match as me.

-No just because you were a bad person to me does not mean ill forgive you if you add me (trust me I had too many of that happening)

-I can trade, but most of my items are not for sale, especially TF2 items.

-I don't like those who will stab me in the back. Don't try to get to know me to use that information against me. Its just not cool and just plain petty.

-Don't just add me and not talk or play with me. If you want to play with me you are gonna have to talk to me about it. I usually don't ask cause I do stuff on my own a lot (since in the past I only had 1 or 2 friends).

-Also, I have a lot of friends already, its really hard to play with everyone I enjoy playing with (in fact, there are a few friends that I would love to talk to more but haven't in a while because its hard to keep up with everyone).

A thing.
Nintendo Switch FC: 8019-6265-2223

Profile Picture put together by

Game Collection showcases my personal favorite games.
-No, even though my name has "Fox" in it, I'm not really too into furry culture. Just keep that in mind.
Garry's Mod
  Welcome to Park Valley! Like Team Fortress 2 Scout once said! "Got a bucket of Park Valley! Let's do dis!" GM Park Valley is an exploratory map meant for hanging out and chilling with pals while also being a great map to build and test contraptions! This
137 个评分
创建者 - SnowFoxKebaa
已运行 922 小时
Its like a vacation simulator.
总时数 922 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 28 日
总时数 218 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 28 日
总时数 28 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 27 日
成就进度   49 / 193
Saint Maartin 2024 年 9 月 12 日 上午 3:23 
Nice duel
ATastyPickleJR[Ping from Pluto] 2024 年 9 月 9 日 下午 11:39 
hardy. 2024 年 8 月 9 日 下午 5:26 
heey, added ;3
2024 年 8 月 1 日 上午 3:24 
their sniper made me bricked
᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼ 2024 年 7 月 23 日 下午 4:56 
Jschlesticle really dropped those bars like he dropped those people back in ‘99
Yuki-Yuki-U 2024 年 4 月 19 日 上午 2:30 