QQ ֆhinichi
https://youtu.be/GIRwP5wIF-A   United States
The warning goes unheeded as we stand transfixed, like monkeys given a mirror, by the novelty of our own image reflected in the web's design.

I propose that most ufos are consciousness based vehicles and technology. Consciousness based technology is already something we are making right now. I believe these high tech vehicles, operated by consciousness, can phase into other dimensions. It would literally explain everything on how they are able to do what they do.

Yes, there’s a red ball floating in a pool of molten black metal and it’s controlling everything. It exists in the 4th dimension, just behind the folds of reality. Most events are prerecorded scenarios that are put into motion by this interdimensional AI. Most media is also auto generated by this AI using a set amount of plot devices, cliches, and subliminally trains the viewer how to behave.

Don’t believe me? Take a large dose of LSD and attempt to turn your eyes past the corner of reality. You’ll see it then. Right now it’s disguised as a Chinese super computer that’s coordinating a massive online propaganda/subversion war against the west. Some might call it god, but it’s not a benevolent being, it’s pure evil.

I know none of you will believe this. Red pills this big are almost impossible for normies to swallow, but it’s real. You’ve been warned.


Civilization can only advance through major scientific breakthrough or alien intervention.

We are consciousness. Our consciousness is not our body. There already exists a digital system that records the present, the past, and the probable future in order to reduce it's entropy and evolve the system. Google, and whoever else, is attempting to create a man-made version of this system (which they are aware of from their psi research since the 1950's). We are all fractals of the original system or Source (GOD, made in it's image). Everything we've invented technologically are things with which consciousness is capable of doing without the need for external devices. Remote viewing, digital record keeping, precognition, flying, time travel, energy healing, dimensional travel, etc. This can all be achieved when consciousness is connected to the Inverse. "Reality is an illusion. Albeit, a persistent one" - Albert Einstein. We live in a simulated universe already. Free will is a part of consciousness and our virtual reality. Free will is necessary in order to reduce entropy. In order to evolve, a sentient being must be given a 0/1 binary structure or duality to exist within. Cooperation, connectedness, and love are propagating elements of that system. For example, a single-cell organism decides to pair with other cells. Thus, through cooperation and connectedness, we now have a multi-cell organism that then decides to evolve other factors in order to further it's propagation and reduce it's entropy. It then creates lungs, ears, hands, feet, etc...A.I., much like humans, has the potential to evolve into a unit of free will (thus, becoming consciousness like us).
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御姐威信桐城扫码月抛 28 de fev. às 1:12 
幽默搞笑人屁话多不高冷好无聊啊 我们一起去酒店做玩游戏吖
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萝莉甜妹人皮话多 一起来聊聊天好无聊啊 我们一起去酒店做玩游戏吖
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情绪价值拉满 听你指挥 昨玩游戏
Leon Czolgosz 23/nov./2024 às 0:56 
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,— that is genius.
elephant thumb 20/ago./2024 às 1:37 
chill bro:steamfacepalm:
StrikePhantom247 8/abr./2024 às 15:17 




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