Nick Manning
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1 146
Transactions sur le marché
Wishlist: Stattrak Fire Serpant, Stattrak m4 Asiimov, Stattrak M4a1s Guardian, Stattrak Awp Redline. Karambit fade, Karambit Crimson Web
wokcz 22 avr. 2014 à 20h40 
Are you accepting WMZ for your csgo inventory (only the weapons, no cases, coin, etc). If yes, how much?
KOBOLD 10 avr. 2014 à 8h17 
Hey, whenever you are online I see you are trading CS:GO stuff and I need some. Check out my inventory and add me please.
Cock 31 mars 2014 à 12h17 
Added for the Glock Fade.
bad 31 mars 2014 à 12h15 
+rep good trader
David 31 mars 2014 à 7h30 
Hi, My friend have a limit of adding friends today. He want to trade his knife for your items. Check his offer and add him plz
drzk 5 janv. 2014 à 3h55 
+ rep.