
Trolled "Tails" Prower tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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kayıtlarda 37.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.0 saat)
A Pokemon-like that does a lot to distinguish itself, and many things better then Pokemon itself. The designs are cute and interesting and don't feel like they're trying to be anything but their own thing. If anything, they're closer to Digimon than Pokemon, but still have their own flavour. There are plenty of standout designs that are fun to train and use with excellent sprite wok. The streamlined levelling system incentivises swapping around your team a lot and seeing new forms and strategies. The combat has a lot of depth and strategy, with a well-considered energy/mana system that allows for a wider variety of moves. The open world works really well. The characters feel like people worth getting to know. Music is phenomenal.

Reaching for gripes, I suppose the open world can lead to odd pacing, particularly with some of the partner characters unlocking basic functions surprisingly late. Some of the monster designs don't land as well as others. Some of the more niche strategies just fundamentally don't work against most of the game. The sheer amount of moves available can feel a little overwhelming, and it's hard to tell what moves can be equipped by which monsters. That's really all I can think of, though. Very good game.
Yayınlanma 6 Eylül 2023.
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kayıtlarda 120.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.8 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This is my review from early access, figured I wouldn't delete it but they have solved most of the issues I had now and it's come together pretty well as a final game:

I really wanted to like this game but I can't recommend it in its current state, and while I'd let an early access game slide a little, most of its problems seem based in the philosophy behind development. At every step, the devs seem to be unwilling to let the player succeed at anything. A few of the most major points:

-Relics, upgrades that show up as a binary choice in some rooms, always reduce your max health if you take them. These are all fairly minor things that would just be a free upgrade in any other game, but in this they take away enough of your health to generally push you from dying in 4-5 hits to 3-4 - and the 'good' ones reduce your health even more. They're also often designed to combo together - one gives you bonus damage while your I-frames are up, another extends your I-frames, etc. But if you take multiple, you'll now die in 2-3 hits. And they're a binary choice, so if you're offered two that combo you can only take one. Sometimes, you can start with one without taking the health reduction, but it's completely random, which just makes the tactic of dying immediately to reroll your choices more appealing. So far, of the lot I've seen, maybe 1 or 2 are even worth the health reduction.

-Spikes. Unlike the first game, where spikes were dangerous only if you stuck around on top of them, here the generic spikes will hurt you unless you attack them first, and if you leave the room and come back, they grow back for some reason. This makes backtracking through rooms you've already cleared more dangerous, and you can take dumb hits from rooms with no enemies. This was always possible with certain other traps, but why break what was already fixed?

-The dash - the dash is gated behind a 'trial', an annoyingly long series of rooms that seem to be intended to teach you its applications, but are too long and can kill your character just as anything else in the castle can. This means you have to do every room every time, and a few of them are just enemy arenas that kill you much faster than platforming challenges. In addition, the room that the trial appears in is random each time, so you have to find it anew every time you want to get the upgrade, which - because the first level seems largely to be designed assuming you have the dash already - you want to do as soon as possible. If you don't roll good combat characters you might just end up throwing a bunch at this one trial, acing every early room and dying on the later ones just wanting to be done with it already. At least once you have it, you now have an immensely useful and foundational move - which can't be said for the second trial, which is even longer and more annoying, and just gives you the ability to see some hidden text in a few places.

-Armour. Armour seems to have been changed from simple damage reduction in the original to some kind of temporary shield that eventually breaks and becomes useless. But it doesn't stop the damage, or even reduce it by that much, and becomes useless pretty fast.

All this comes together to make more punishing platforming that hurts you more, while you have less health, and that's without taking the enemies into account.

The controls and hitboxes can also be a little awkward, but I assume that will be ironed out eventually. I was a big fan of the first game, and I'll still be checking in on every update to see if there have been any improvements, but I'm honestly not hopeful. Just play the first one again.
Yayınlanma 29 Ekim 2020. Son düzenlenme 26 Mayıs 2022.
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