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terakhir dimainkan pada 28 Feb
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Tercatat 1.719 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 21 Feb
The Patriotic "Swamp Fox" 14 Jan 2018 @ 3:55am 
We have started sending out forum invites to all our supporters. All going well this will happen in waves over the next couple of days, so If you don’t receive an invite immediately please don’t worry. What we have done is created an account from the same email which was used for either kickstarter and paypal supporters. You will need to change your display name as it is currently your Backer no. or PayPal receipt ID. If you backed at a tier with multiple keys and wish to have extra forum accounts created, we will let you know how after the initial waves are complete.

We will be looking to share the latest HLL news and updates with you via the forums very soon, so keep an eye out. Please introduce yourself as we would love to get to know our community well.

If you have forum related questions or feedback please use the #forum_feedback channel.

The Black Matter Team
The Patriotic "Swamp Fox" 19 Des 2017 @ 9:12pm 
Hey man ya ready for HLL
Shamrogu3 4 Okt 2017 @ 8:09pm 
selling keys for Hell Let Loose , keys include Major backing from kickstarter run, 1 set is used for 1 person meaning the sale cover s the set of 3 keys Alpha, Beta, and steam early access. $50 for each set of 3 (SELLING AT MOST 1-2) MESSAGE me for if i have already sold 2 as i may still have the other 3 to sell.


The Major reward tier includes:

Exclusive in-game camouflage (cosmetic)
Exclusive in-game helmet (cosmetic)
Your name in the credits
Digital download of hi-res in-game tactical maps
Digital download of the Hell Let Loose art book
Digital download of the Hell Let Loose soundtrack
6× Closed Alpha access of Hell Let Loose------------------- > only one
6× Closed Beta access of Hell Let Loose---------------------> only one
6× Steam Early Access key for Hell Let Loose------------------> only one
Early access to our forums
Founder forum badge
Major forum title and badge
Mar 2018