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Seneste anmeldelser af Only Human: Comrade Stalin

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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
33.7 timer registreret i alt (26.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Too high time to live, crap where you have to babysit idiots in the game. Zero propper gameplay other than constant 2 vs 1 with invisible light flanking for the kill once the idiotic time to live has brokered both of you down to 10% health. Just go play LOL if you want toxic levels of lack of damage and "tactical" gameplay, there is none here. Also insane cheating in Ranked, but that's just the smaller problem with the game honestly, everything about it promotes cheating, including "Easy () Cheat".
Skrevet: 17. december 2024.
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747.9 timer registreret i alt (505.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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Fun complex simulation. Can be rough around the edges on occasion, but it's the only thing that scratches the complexity itch. Has various modes that enable/disable complexity, so it can be as simple for a 3 year old to play and as complex as decently simulating an (internal) economy.
Skrevet: 16. juni 2024.
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0.6 timer registreret i alt
Nice little puzzler, small issues with pacing and other things that non proffesional game devs sometimes get wrong (like i did first time), but definitely playable... Might be too hard for some people but i maybe had issues in one or two levels (and only one where i had a few minutes of issues relatively early on)....

So, a refreshing change in gametype from the ussual cookie cutter fancy games...
Skrevet: 22. september 2016.
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3.4 timer registreret i alt
Useless, another game that uses crap software to "protect" their game from hackers, making it unplayable for anybody who needs unsigned drivers to run their wifi or anything that uses unsigned drivers today (and there is a lot of hardware that has unsigned drivers).

So, another crap game that uses a useless "anti cheat" or whatever because they don't have a brain/ can't be bothered to write several hundred lines of code to catch 99% of all cheaters... dumb and dumber...

This particular pos they are using is so bad it doesn't even tell you that the actuall problem is unsigned drivers allowed on the system, it just complains about a "debugger"... useless.

In other words, nothing new, most developers are like this...
Skrevet: 4. august 2016. Sidst redigeret: 4. august 2016.
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601.5 timer registreret i alt (146.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Great game, even with steam client issues it has, however, this is not a Free to Play game... about 70+ hours in, you'll get hit with what is essentially a paywal, and you will only realise it at that point, the game will never inform you about it before...

There are about 30 warframes in the game, and 50-60+ weapons...

However, you have 2 (free) warframe slots and about 8 or so weapon slots... and you have to unlock/buy new slots with the in game "premium" currency... ie for real cash... You can theoretically unlock new slots by trading with other people for the "premium" currency... but at that point you're just better of paying a few dollars or whatever...

This kind of an unethical bait and switch i will not support. Yes, you can still play the game (if you delete your weapons and warframes before building new ones etc). This, however, is, simply a pure greed manouver that has no basis in anything other then the developers wish to suck you into the game before saying "whoops, sorry, but now it's time for you to pay". Had they said it upfront, i'd have no problem with it. But for this bait and switch, the developers can take a hike.

Otherwise, it's a fine, grindy as hell, but fine game. Just be prepared to caugh up, if you don't like paying for mods, like i do not, no worries, be prepared to play for enjoying. Because this is a clear trap, they will not get money.

Have fun with the game, if grinding stuff is to your liking (like it seems to be a little bit for me)...
Skrevet: 22. februar 2016.
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15 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2,223.0 timer registreret i alt (46.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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A cool idea created by 15 years old horny teenagers that can't balance, can't design, can't ensure good performance (strong fps), and ultimately, can't make the game non p2w because of all of the above...

Yes, technically speaking, this game is a ww2 clone of say, Planetside 2, in some of it's respects (combined arms)... but they have taken every possible mechanic in the game and broke it (they did fix planetside 2's lag, but maps are 100 times smaller so).

On the surface, the game's premise looks decent. You have a series of progressively increasing maps that are decently sized and at first glance, look like they provide enough cover... Nothing could be further from the truth. The bigger the map gets, the bigger wasteland it becomes. At the end, at the biggest maps, you might as well be figting in Saudi Arabias Deserts with pine trees scattered throughout. No cover, no damage at any reasonable range by your weapons (even with a scope), a building here and then 500 meters later a building there, the checkpoints always in the middle of a bloody wasteland that you can't traverse without vehicles that arrent available anywhere, checkpoints that are a total of 5 meters squared and bombs that are damage 314 meters squared (10 m damage radius).

It would be a sad excuse to call people that made this game developers. It would be a lie. They have no clue what they are doing, the only decent decision they made in the whole game is to enable headshots for the rifles from most reasonable ranges. Everything rest in this (formerly) p2w game (but still effectively p2w in many respects due to the completely broken game mechanics) that had it's free cash per hour increased 4x times yet still being too slow to grind is more or less awfull.

So much promise, soooo little delivered in the end, like the vast majority of todays cookie cutter games. Saddest part about all of this is just how little it takes to fix more or less every issue i have with this game (just tweaking the damage settings so it stops being unbalanced (and a slight p2w) and tweaking the stupid maps so they stop being wastelands, i could manage the grind).

A fail of a game whose only decent mode is depo (the first and smallest map). They should have stopped development there...
Skrevet: 9. december 2015.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.6 timer registreret i alt (0.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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I get that this game had issues with hackers, but Easy Anti Cheat is not the solution. Propper ingame serverside or client side checks are (the clients that are getting blasted by hackers, not the hackers computer, no need to trust it, trust the victims instead).

What's worse, it would probably have taken less time to implement above mentioned systems then easy cheat into the game...

I can't play the game because of EAC (It needs driver signing disabled), therefore, automatic negative review, learn to program, this is 2015. Shame, game seems to have potential.
Skrevet: 6. december 2015.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3,088.1 timer registreret i alt (576.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A clear p2w aspect is present thoughout the game. In the same sense that Hearthstone is p2w (i.e. it will take you forever to grind into higher tier planes that will massacre you through faster climb, faster turn, faster acc, faster top speed... nerfing skill in arcade by making the flight model simplified so that you can't preform propper air braking with manouvers makes the p2w tier planes even more devastating cause stalling the plane is useless/won't decrease your speed or give you any advantage)... The only way to escape from a BF 109 or a spitfire and similar (tier 3) planes is most of the time to just get lucky or evade and evade and evade for a full 1-3 minutes until some teammate takes pitty on you and remove them from your behind. Don't hope to evade for 1-3 minutes on flat maps, not gonna happen. Knowing when to dive, when to turn and when to climb requires expect knowledge of not only your plane, but your enemies plane as well, but it still won't save you most of the time, because, like i mentioned, faster climb/acc/top speed/dive... and more damage then you.

Same happens in tank battles, t34s and similar tanks will wait in ambushes and constantly penetrate your tier 1 tanks from 300-1000 meters away if you try a frontal. Sneaking up on them by flanking the map doesn't work (most of the time) because you are lit like a christmass tree on the UI the moment they look in your direction so going 2-3 km around the battle does nothing if you don't find terrain with good cover they can see/shoot through hundreds of meters of forest and will see you coming easily (good flanking terrain cover can be found, but it's tricky, and very rewarding when you pull of 4-6 stealth kills in a row with your measily starting tank),. Town maps are the worst in this respect, since they lack any meaningfull terrain barriers to make low level tank flanking viable.

So, it's more or less a clear pay2win in every possible respect until you grind your way out of lower tiers. You are cannon fodder until you grind your way out or ponny up, and I have not even touched on the "crew training" aspects of the game (this is an even more obvious p2w aspect as far as I've read about it) After 30 hours of planes I am still stuck in tier 2 planes with Soviets that can rarelly escape/outmanouver 109s, supercobras, spits etc...

That said, sometimes you can have fun, since the game is (kind of) about skill... Knowing the capabilities of your plane vs enemies is a nice thing to know... For example, there is a payable biplane that for tier 1 Soviets that you can get for free when you finish a tutorial or do somthing similar that enabled me to Ace tier 3 planes (when they don't gank me in one shot when I don't notice them on my tail/diving me) because i can out turn them if they are stupid enough to do a turning contest vs me (that said, free biplanes are utter trash that is rarely playable, only that payed one is decent but it at least allows me to ace them)...

All this aside, the game is kind of fun if you learn to live with being cannon fodder. And I am grinding through it (for now) 'cause i feel like flying and doing some tank battles (it's nice to snipe p2w planes, i do get streaks, but I am an insanely good player... still, god help me if there is no teammate around to shake the pursuier off if he doesn't get bored... you just have to play extremely safe, and choose fights carefully...). Be advised that I estimate that getting tier 3 planes for all of the factions (5 in total, which IS cool, but also an insane grind) will probably take 500-1000 hours, and god knows how much for tanks...

It's a cool game, but p2w is a bit to strong in this one... not sure if I'll manage to grind my way to decent planes...

Edit: after a year of playing the game, i have learned how to manouver (via lag displacement, energy fighting, stall fighting, and plane denial (constantly hugging the lower side of the attackers plane during his attack, in a nutshell)... it's still kind of pointless though... realistic is broken because it's more fun to watch paint dry then take of from airfields for 5 minutes for 30 seconds of combat... usually some noob just forcing a front on front... and arcade is just that... arcade... 90% of the time pointless to dogfight because somebody else will kill you if you lose energy chasing him... (if you get behind him with a lag displacement or a barrel roll with maintained energy, the noob will just start to turn... forcing you to lose it away... and then other noobs arive... furball is too strong in arcade, the only way is to stay clear and dogfight at the edges).

It's essentially a pointless, skilless arcade c*** game... to the point that i'm sick of it, and will just create a better ww2 combat game myself probably (yes, i'm a games developer, and godot game engine contributor)...

The useless developers can't even setup a realistic game mode where you can choose whether you want to take off or not... when they tried it, they put jets on 10 vs 10 kilometer arcade maps... just brainless... it would solve 90% of the problems with the game (arcade flight dynamics where energy/top speed absolutely dominates, like b29s (bombers) going mach 1 and the paint drying aspect of the airfield take offs in realistic).

That, and the nerfed japanese...those planes are seriously overtiered (in arcade), flying in the same BR with planes at least 100+ khm faster in every flight mode (level, climb, dive). though the real problem with japanese is their nonexistent cannons.Trust me, i could stand every issue they have if they didn't shoot peanuts at other planes (and if they were slightly less prone to going on fire for zero reason).

All in all, horrible developers...
Skrevet: 30. marts 2015. Sidst redigeret: 3. april 2016.
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