
Последние обзоры SlaySnow

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We may have won the battle but not the war...
Опубликовано 3 мая 2024 г.. Отредактировано 12 июня 2024 г..
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40.1 ч. всего (13.3 ч. в момент написания)
If you are a Star Wars fan you'll love this game, the atmosphere is encapsulating and you really feel like you are in the universe of Star Wars. (TL;DR at the bottom)

So far through my experience I have really enjoyed it although the game is 10x better with friends who have mics. The biggest issue that my friends and I have been experiencing is the Party system is extremely buggy causing us to have to restart our apps multiple times as it will freeze our games or someone won't appear online.

In my opinion every map feels unique and is very fun to play. My biggest gripe would be that Yavin feels very lazy and bare-bones and is the only map that I dislike when I get it in the rotation. My favourite map is the one in the nebula and has a destroyed venator in the centre.

The ships all feel unique and have their own play styles (my favourite being the Interceptor) but the customization for the ships and characters feels lacking, I was hoping for a more RPG esque character creator but I am not too bothered with it. (they did miss a big opportunity by not allowing you to make your own astromech as the rebels).

I have only done the prologue and first 2 missions of the campaign but I did notice that the characters were every stereotype imaginable and the dialogue is suicide inducing... They do the classic thing were they make everyone friends and force you to feel their connection even though you just met them and the banter is very cringe inducing.

TL;DR All in all I feel that this game is highly worth the price and I definitely recommend this game to people who are interested in buying it!
Опубликовано 3 октября 2020 г..
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42.4 ч. всего (38.9 ч. в момент написания)
Great Game love it but I am only reviewing this for the grand prix
Опубликовано 4 июля 2019 г..
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20.0 ч. всего (17.3 ч. в момент написания)
I got this game yesterday and I am still puzzled on why it is a ftp, I recommended it to all my friends and we have a whole group playing it the mystery behind it makes it alot of fun and it reminds me alot of Dead Realms and TTT from GMod I would recommend this to everyone thinking of getting it as it is one of the best ftp I have ever played keep up the work developers and hoping to see more added the only thing I do not like about it tho is that there are only 3 maps and after a while they will get repetitive but apart from that great game.
Опубликовано 23 декабря 2017 г..
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60.8 ч. всего (37.7 ч. в момент написания)
I have played this game for over 30 hrs and I love it. If u like historical games this is the game for you. This game is very realistic and the soumds are awsome. Although the game can be frustrating when you poke your head up for 5 seconds and get shot by a sniper. There are tons of different classes and roles from the rifleman to the Machine Gunner.
If you don't like the setting then I don't recommend getting it but if you do THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR BUY IT!
Опубликовано 17 марта 2017 г..
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