The Hobo In Training
Taco McFaceman   Canada
No information given.
Review Showcase
18.3 Hours played
I'm pretty ♥♥♥♥ at writing reviews, so I will try to be brief about this to limit my chances of screwing it up.

+ Cute side-quests
+ Hidden Treasures
+ Crafting is simple
+ Leveling is simple
+ Main story wasn't convoluted or hard to follow, but had a touch of grey to it.
+ I enjoyed the humour
+ Full keypad support, so I could play with an old 360 controller
+ Adorable side-kick

- Game is a bit short. Felt like the story could have had an extra chapter and still not have overstayed its welcome.


= You do play as a Furry in a land filled with furries, fighting other furries. I liked it, but some may not. Game was good enough that those who do mind, may be able to look past it and still enjoy the game.