ᴾʳʸTasbard | W⚓
Fin Germich   Saarland, Germany
Wer zuletzt lacht... Hat den höchsten Ping!
Ist Lattenrost eine Geschlechtskrankheit?? :csgoskull::ironfist::ironfist::csgoskull::hamletexclamation:
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Im Inventar auch noch sind auch noch Gegenstände zum Handeln, wenn ihr an was Interesse habt schickt mir einfach mal Angebote
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0,6 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 22 nov.
4.217 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 22 nov.
77 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 22 nov.
Duramar cu 8 ore în urmă 
let's do more
Smiley 2 nov. la 17:38 
ᴾʳʸ FlauschZ 6 oct. la 2:36 
▬|██████|▬ This is Nudelholz. Copy Nudelholz in your Signatur to make better Kuchens and other Teigproducts. Oder Take it and hau it on the Kopf of a bekloppt Person to give a better Gefühl than vorher

by :wfas_f::journeyl::A_letter::GoldenU::wfas_s::_C_::Saturnalia::iiii: :shinealight::StarwhalPink:
QTigreBiancaSelvaggia 11 sept. la 4:43 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with 0iq xm player
Vugore 3 sept. la 10:46 
+rep clutch king
AŇŇคคqนค⇜ 2 sept. la 10:32 
+rep cool teamplayer