Elmúlt 2 heti játékidő:

Globális teljesítménystatisztikák megnézése
A statisztikáknak a sajátjaiddal való összehasonlításához be kell jelentkezned.
120 / 120 (100%) teljesítmény elérve
Személyes teljesítmények

Welcome home...

Reach the Estate
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 20:20

The first of many victories...

Complete a quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 20:50

Our victories are mounting...

Complete 10 quests
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 18:21

We are victorious, but at what cost...

Complete 25 quests
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

Discretion, my old friend...

Abandon a quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 7:58

The first evil to fall...

Slay your first boss
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 21:03

A strenuous adventure comes to a close...

Complete a medium quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 19:15

A grueling adventure comes to a close...

Complete a long quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 19:46

A team of hardened veterans...

Start a quest with all four heroes of Resolve Level 6
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 29., 15:05

Like lambs to the slaughter...

Start a Darkest Dungeon quest with four heroes of resolve level 0
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 19., 14:24

I've seen every corner of this ruined land...

Complete a quest in all four regions
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 12:38

Twisted and about to break

Complete a dungeon with all 4 heroes afflicted
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 11:22

And our training begins...

Upgrade a Combat skill
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 8:04

It takes more than brawn...

Learn a new Camping skill
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

A drink, a hand, and a companion...

Treat a hero in the Tavern
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 21:19

A rumination, a prayer, and a confession...

Treat a hero in the Abbey
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 21:19

Weeding out the weak...

Dismiss your first hero
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 9:37

A veritable crowd...

Have one of each class on your roster
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 5., 13:36

The price we pay for sanity...

Remove a Quirk in the Sanitarium
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 8:38


Lock a positive Quirk in the Sanitarium
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 12., 11:37

Our equipment polished to a mirror finish...

Fully upgrade the Blacksmith
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 16., 15:51

Our techniques sharpened to a razor's edge...

Fully upgrade the Guild
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 17., 5:56

The tavern my Ancestor once saw...

Fully upgrade the Tavern
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 21., 16:20

The abbey my Ancestor once knew...

Fully upgrade the Abbey
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 17:59

Only the finest equipment will endure this torment...

Fully upgrade a hero's weapons and armor
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 21., 19:26

Only masterful technique will suffice in battle...

Fully upgrade at least four of a hero's skills
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 21., 19:25

Restored to its former glory...

Fully upgrade the Town
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 18:01

A sobering visit with the departed...

Visit the Graveyard
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 20:25

A true champion emerges...

Raise a hero to Resolve Level 6
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 17:59

Darkest sentinels...

Raise 4 heroes to Resolve Level 6
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 17:59

And we slew the evils that lurketh...

Defeat 100 Eldritch enemies
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 17:40

And we slew the abominations that haunteth...

Defeat 100 Unholy enemies
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 20:48

And we slew the beasts that creepeth...

Defeat 100 Beast enemies
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 19:14

And we slew the men who were wicked...

Defeat 100 Human enemies
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 16:11

The fiends must be driven back...

Slay 1000 enemies
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

The end of the first year...

Reach week 52
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

Two years of this...

Reach week 104
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 19., 14:33

Greater riches were never witnessed...

Collect at least 20,000 gold from a single quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 17., 12:24

A collection of treasured antiques...

Collect at least 30 heirlooms from a single quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 17:21

A killer of striking force and wit...

Kill 50 enemies with one hero
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 20:42

More than a weary traveler...

Walk 500 steps with one hero
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 19:38

The first of many has fallen...

Lose your first hero
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 21:18

The stresses were unbearable...

Lose your first hero to heart attack
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 9:05

Gnawing hunger sets in...

Lose a hero to hunger
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 11., 8:56

That'll do, pig...

Lose a hero to Wilbur
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 7., 16:23

We return to the worms of the earth...

Lose a hero to a Maggot
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 13., 14:38

Watch your step...

Lose a hero to a trap
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 15., 18:10

Blocked from life...

Lose a hero to an obstacle
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 12., 11:26

Valiant sacrifice...

Lose all four heroes on a Darkest Dungeon quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 19., 14:33

No retreat, no quarter...

First party wipe
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 9., 21:19

We all return to dust...

Lose a Legendary (Level 6) hero
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 1., 20:37

What is already Dead Cannot Die

Have a character survive 5 attacks at Death's Door in a single combat
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 21., 9:46

More blood soaks the soil...

Party wipe on a boss
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 21., 14:27

Sentimental relics from our forefathers...

Acquire all your Ancestor's Trinkets
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 10., 19:25

A terrifying figure emerged from the darkness...

Slay a Shambler
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 12., 14:58

Strict Mode

Complete the game with default difficulty options
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 12., 14:35

Driven from this land...

Kill all bosses
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 9., 17:12


Complete all Caretaker Goals
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 26., 17:42

Victory, such as it is...

Complete the game
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 12., 14:35

In such haste...

Complete the game within 99 Weeks
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 12., 14:37

Lone survivor

Kill any boss with only one hero remaining
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 15., 12:31


Kill any boss with a party of four afflicted heroes
Feloldva: 2019. máj. 26., 15:57

World End

Complete the game on Stygian
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 10., 7:26

On the old road, we found redemption.

Dismas and Reynauld Made it to the final Darkest Dungeon Quest
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 10., 7:10

In Sheep's Clothing

Defeat the brigand Vvulf
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 1., 17:51

Entry Level

Complete the game on Radiant
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 12., 14:35

Murder of Crows

Kill the Shrieker
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 11:20

Four on the Floor

Kill Squiffy Ghast, Swine Skiver, Bone Bearer and Hateful Virago
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 1., 8:50

Mine Goes to 11

Kill a Squiffy Ghast with a Jester
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 24., 20:55

Les Jeux Sont Faits

Defeat the Baron
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 22., 19:32

Just the Cheque

Defeat the Viscount
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 8., 10:52

Her Last Dance

Defeat the Countess
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 9., 16:26


Get infected by the Crimson Curse
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 14:16

Happy Together

Collect your first Trinket Set
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 7., 11:53

From Rubble to Rabble

Build your first district building
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 17., 5:57

The Red Hook

Build The Red Hook
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 3., 18:39

The Flesh is Willing

Recruit a flagellant
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 10., 8:39

An Unexpected Party

Collect The Invitation
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 12., 17:04


Lose a hero to Wasting Away from the Curse
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

Shadows Blur Together

Kill an ally while under the Curse
Feloldva: 2021. nov. 28., 14:00

What Strange Bedfellows

Contract the Crimson Curse via contagion
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 11., 19:46

Zealous Accusation

Defeat the Fanatic
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 16., 4:31


Rescue someone
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 14., 10:54

Blood Cult

Have your entire roster affected by the crimson curse
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 17., 17:26

Plowshares To Swords

Reach Death's Door From Farmhand's Riposte
Feloldva: 2019. jún. 10., 15:37

Tears Lost In The Dust

Acquire Mildred's Locket Trinket
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 29., 17:56

A Taste Of Madness

Complete The First Farmstead Quest
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 23., 19:46

A Merciful Act

Defeat the Miller
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 29., 14:32

Beyond The Infinite

Defeat the Sleeper
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 5., 21:01

Shards Well Spent

Collect All of Color of Madness Trinkets
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 5., 17:14

A Memory Of Better Times (And Spaces)

Build the Windmill
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 19., 4:11

This Is Nothing

Get 100 Kills
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 8., 17:08

A Hollow Reckoning

Get 200 Kills
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 10., 14:58

Ashes To Ashes

Get 300 Kills
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 18., 16:04

In The Mouth of Madness

Defeat the Sleeper With 2 Afflicted, 2 Virtuous Heroes
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 27., 16:41

The Blinders Are Lifted

Gain the Refracted Affliction
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 3., 14:27

Rogues Gallery

Fight Every Wondering Boss in Endless
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 18., 15:04

There Are No Words

Defeat the Thing From The Stars
Feloldva: 2018. nov. 28., 19:57

Time Is A Flat Circle

Kill the Sleeper's Herald With a Riposte
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 9., 21:18

Blue Skies Ahead

Use The Shard Dust Provision
Feloldva: 2019. márc. 7., 18:47

A Poor Harvest

All 4 Heroes Dodge the Miller's Reaping
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 18., 12:59

Lining the Jeweller's Pockets

Earn 200 Shards In One Endless Run
Feloldva: 2018. dec. 10., 15:14

Rainbow's End

Lose a Hero Equipped with the Coat of Many Colors
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 4., 17:04

Pipe Dream

Lose a Hero Equipped with the Miller's Pipe
Feloldva: 2019. jan. 4., 17:04

Fresh Meat

Play your first match in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 13., 6:12

Scare Tactics

Cause an enemy hero to have a heart attack
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 13., 7:32

Taking All Challengers

Kill each hero class in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 27., 20:15

Mono et Mono

Win a match in the dueling grounds
Feloldva: 2021. szept. 16., 12:49

Bright Lights

Daze 10 enemies in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 13., 16:28

Shouting Match

Win a match using ONLY stress against your enemies
Feloldva: 2020. dec. 13., 13:42

Devil's Luck

Have a hero survive 5 death's door checks in a single match
Feloldva: 2021. máj. 24., 15:48


Have a single hero deal deathblows to 4 enemies in a single match
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 13., 8:06

One and Done

Kill an enemy hero in the first round of a match
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 17., 7:25


Have a single hero survive 4 heart attacks in a single match
Feloldva: 2021. máj. 31., 16:56

Naked and Unafraid

Win a match without using any trinkets
Feloldva: 2021. szept. 16., 12:49

Blood Soaks the Sand

Win 100 matches in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. dec. 8., 15:53

Be Still My Heart!

Cause 150 heart attacks in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. dec. 13., 16:45

Blood Flood

Kill 600 enemies in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2020. dec. 13., 16:27

Crowd Pleaser

Reach the max Prestige level in the Butcher's Circus
Feloldva: 2021. jan. 7., 16:09

Flawless Execution

Win any 10 matches without losing any heroes
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 20., 9:04