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1 от 40 (3%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

The touch of Chaos

Discover the first Challenge
Откл. на 19 февр. в 10:02

May the Torchbearer light our way

Complete Chapter 1

We can choose to fight

Complete the game

No damsels in distress

Complete the game on Knight difficulty

The immortal is bound to reborn

Complete the game on Chimera difficulty

A legend among Chimeras

Complete the game on Transcended difficulty

It's only pain

Upgrade Health to max level

I know how to handle it

Upgrade Entropy to max level

The Ashen Knight

Purchase all of Briar's skills

The Shade

Purchase all of Lute's skills

Your wounds… They are healing so fast!

Recover more than half of your health in a fight, without using consumable items

Bring it on!

Complete one Chapter on any difficulty, obtaining Diamond

You want more? I've got more!

Complete one Chapter on Knight or higher difficulty, without being hit once

I'm just warming up

Complete game on Initiate difficulty, obtaining Platinum or above

We learned it the hard way

Complete game on Knight difficulty, obtaining Platinum or above

They wanted yet another monster…

Complete game on Chimera difficulty, obtaining Platinum or above

Let's raise the stakes!!

Obtain at least 3000 points from bonuses in a fight

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