
Последние обзоры Sour Punch Muffin

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10.3 ч. всего (10.1 ч. в момент написания)
People have been giving alot of negative reviews about this game. Me being one of the many people that enjoyed playing countless hours of the beta (which wasn't on Steam) a few years ago, I decided to buy the new Steam version. Let me be straight forward when I say this. It is NOTHING like the beta. Pretty much everything has changed to the point that it's hard to believe that the beta was even for this game. To be completely honest, I think that the beta was better. Jagex being the company that has taken over the production of this game (with their not particularly good reputation) has turned this game around for what in my opinion is for the worse. Every update besides its level creator ends up being horrible and constantly makes the game even worse than what it already is. Then again.....from another persons stand point.....Jagex's production of this game could have been a good thing. Let's see, about everything that many people as well as me would complain about is a good thing according to other people. There are two kinds of players on this game. The type that are starting discussions saying that they want their money back (psh that's never going to happen haha), and the type starting discussions that are asking if they are the only people out there that actually like the game. I think that this game is a hit or miss that depends only on the player. Either you'll enjoy this game or hate it, both options of which have reasons that are completely understandable. I don't think that this game should be hated on nor should it be praised. Even though it could be alot worse, it could be alot better too. There are many areas for improvements. Don't get me wrong, this game is not bad. It's just not the best. I prefer the beta version, but hey. If you agree with me on that, at least someone released a free game of the beta that is polished and improved. It's called Open Spades (https://sites.google.com/a/yvt.jp/openspades/home). If you think about it, you could own Ace of Spades on Steam and the old beta version off of the internet if you wanted to. Then you'd be able to try out both. I think that Ace of Spades is a good game. Yes it has flaws, but I don't agree with the people that are saying that Jagex ruined it. It's completely different, yes, at the same time though it's a fresh new experience that leaves the player wanting to play once again. I still recommend this game even though I have some problems with it.

Pros: New features, enjoyable, and updates that help keep things in balance.

Cons: Gets old fairly quickly, Classic mode fails to give out an idea of what the beta was like, and some things in-game end up making gameplay less enjoyable. Those updates.....SOILED IT.

Could be alot better. 6/10
Опубликовано 1 августа 2014 г.. Отредактировано 11 октября 2014 г..
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44.0 ч. всего (16.5 ч. в момент написания)
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This game suprised me. I was expecting it to be a mediocre game that I would uninstall. I was mistaken. I ending up spending five hours of my night playing and learning the basics of the game. It is great and has ALOT of potential. The developer is putting alot of time and effort into this game and is constantly updating and listening to what the people in the community have to say. It has a very nice style to it that will remind you of Minecraft, DayZ, Rust, or even other games as well. The map is huge and there are many items to craft and find. Don't trick yourself into thinking that everyone will constantly kill you on the multiplayer. There are different types of servers (some which don't allow pvp, and some that do). Even in the pvp servers there are plenty of people who are willing to help you out. This game is supposed to be about pure survival, and trust me, it is.

Pros: Great developer that listens to what the communtity has to say and constantly makes updates, many places around for exploration, many different types of items, weapons, and resources, a section for leveling up skills, ALOT of replay value which will leave you wanting to continue playing, and also, the game is free!

Cons: I dont know. :p

Overall, this game is great. I wouldn't have even regretted buying it if it had costed money. Since it's free, it's a must try. I think that anyone who will play this game will enjoy it.

Опубликовано 20 июля 2014 г.. Отредактировано 20 июля 2014 г..
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46.0 ч. всего (36.2 ч. в момент написания)
Let me start off by saying this, if you can't decide if you should get the game or not, buy it! It's worth every penny. I didn't expect to like this game as much as I do. I constantly tell myself that I'll do only one quest, yet that's very difficult to follow through with. I'll end up spending hours on end exploring new locations, doing side quests, and just being an awesome wasteland adventurer. Whether which path you choose, good, bad, NCR, legion, or whatever other choice there is (there's plenty), the game never fails to satisfy. There are so many amazing things about this game that will make you want to keep playing. I recommend doing what I did and buy Ultimate Edition because it will give you all of the great DLCs and extra packs for a very good price. It also will help you at the start of a new game. If you dont have Ultimate Edition though, it's all good. The game is just as great with or without it. The DLCs are amazing, but if you don't have them you'll enjoy the game just as much!

PROS: Amazing story, ALOT of side quests, many places to explore, ALOT of replay value (many different ending outcomes), plenty of humor here and there, Amazing DLCs, and pretty much everything else!

CONS: I can't think of any. o:

You will most likely enjoy this game, I recommend that you play it sometime. 9.5/10
Опубликовано 8 июля 2014 г.. Отредактировано 8 июля 2014 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
36.2 ч. всего (25.0 ч. в момент написания)
This game is amazing, it all depends on the person who's playing it. It has a humorous theme to it, making the game great for people who want to sit down, play a game, and have some good laughs. I've never been a fan of 2-D platformers, but this game has led me on and on, having me sit down for hours on end. It is by far the best game I've played by Behemoth games besides Castle Crashers (I haven't played Alien Hominid HD, I'm hoping for it to be published on Steam!). I think that anyone who has interest in this game should buy it no matter if it's on sale or not. This game is worth every penny, and I'm still looking forward to spending many more hours playing. Sadly, there are some cons though, but every game has some negatives. I'll be straight forward with my review.

Pros: Very funny and humorous, good replay value, fun co-op, fun multiplayer, and hilarious narration.
Cons: The story can be repetitive over time, and at times it's difficult to find a multiplayer game to join.

There are plenty of other pros as well as cons that I could add, but I'm finishing up my review here. This game is amazing, and I think that plenty of people would enjoy this game if they bought it. I'm hoping to see more games made by Behemoth in the future.

Опубликовано 24 июня 2014 г..
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