Haiyahhhh....   Aja, Ad Daqahliyah, Egypt
"Makoto's Invoker turns me on"
"Pipi is squishy"
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3.8 Hours played
This could possibly be the greatest game that was ever created. You might think this was Elden ring 2, you also might think that this was elder scrolls 6. BUT NO! Its perfection. Its QUALITY. ITS. WO YAO DA. Nothing can ever come close to this game. The story: SPECTACULAR! The Bald Master Arc was PEAK. Quite possibly the most compelling and relatable of any story. If they do not make this game into an anime they are MISSING. PLEASE Studio Trigger, you are missing out on a great opportunity. The combat: Absolutely mindblowing, nothing comes CLOSE to the styles of how MAIN CHARACTER MAN GUY uses the machete wacking ancient chinese technique decapitation. Also, DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE MASTERS SKILLSET. The way he rolls on the ground, wailing his sword at everyone dealing MASSIVE AOE damage. Such satisfying animations you TRUELY can not come anywhere close to how well and fluent the Master goes with his fighting style. LASTELY with the Master, the SQUEEZE, QUITE POSSIBLY, THE MOST. ABSOLUTE. BEST ABILITY out of any ability in ANY game. The way he just sits in a chair and POOFS everyone out of existance CHEFS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ KISS. I can go on and on about how well designed this game actually is, might be my thesis for college so if youre my future professor having to read it get ready to read the best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thesis you will ever endure. Im so surprised that this game is not 70, Hell, $100USD is absolutely insanity, its so well worth the money id donate hundreds to the developers to get a sequel because i KNOW they will not disappoint. Please if youre reading this, go ahead and buy it, you can not go without playing this game or else the Master will just SQUEEEEEZE you out of existance, ignoring your gremlin phase all together.
UrsaNegi 11 Dec, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
dawg why you name always chage
Proverbs +1 31 Aug, 2024 @ 4:27pm 
Added for swap ^^
Feeze 9 Jul, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
Good afternoon, dear Steam user!
in connection with the economic crisis in the world, statistics of demand and purchase of game items decreased by 62%
Since the need for items has dropped, our site [LINK REDACTED] is conducting a prize draw!
Your Steam account won items!
* ♥♥♥
* Diabolic ♥♥♥
* Scorching ♥♥♥
* CumTriumph
* Genuine ♥♥♥ the Script Nuts
* Disciple of the Wyrmwrought ♥♥♥
* Dark ♥♥♥ Cape
* ♥♥♥ of Aeons
* ♥♥♥ Pack: Red
* Insatiable Cumsaw
* ♥♥♥ Diffuser
* Eternal Machine Ejaculate
Be sure to use the code "PIGBOY" by which we check the winner.
Zakhaev Vorchevsky 16 Dec, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
That Phasmophobia screenshot looks goofy Lol!
KhaosHound 17 Dec, 2021 @ 10:03pm 
send tweet
Gushi 17 Dec, 2021 @ 10:02pm