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Közzétéve: 2017. okt. 15., 11:43

Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Holdfast is among a unique genre of games, along with War of Rights, M&B: Napoleonic Wars, and few others. I think that there are three different distinct ways to play this game, so I will divide this review into three sections.

Land Combat: 3/5 stars

This is what the core of the game is, joining random public servers and fighting with ball and bayonet, seeking out the enemy. While completely unorganized combat is underway, officers and men will stand up tall, and attempt to conduct tactical operations in formation, musicians will inspire the front lines, and men will fall left and right. It is a very amazing experience to feel the rush of dopamine when you manage to survive an enemy push, or 1v3 in melee. The maps are all very unique and give some variety - from the spanish farmland to the Egyptian scrubs, there are many settings for you to battle on. The units feel similar but are somewhat unique. Light Infantry have slightly quicker reloads, Guards excel in melee, and Riflemen are noticably better accuracy. All in all, this is great. The only glaring flaw that takes away from the experience is the currently flawed Melee system. WIth just a little bit of latency, you'll have some bad problems blocking, as it's very slow with the musket.

Naval Combat: 4/5 stars

I have had so many excellent experiences in Naval Battlefield servers. From hitting the masts of an enemy brig, sinking a French gunboat, forming a boarding party, and jumping ship, there is so much to say about this excellent game mode. With several unique ships, from 1 gun gunboats, to 18 gun brigs, there is so much fun to be had. Ramming an enemy ship and then jumping onto the vessel is by far the most enjoyable thing you can do, however. One note should be given to the absolutely fantastic violin music available to played by the Violinst.

Regiments and Line Battles: 5/5 stars

If you're going to get this game to play casually, you will enjoy your time. If you get it to play in a regiment, to formally battle it out with your enemies, you will have so much more fun. Feeling like a single cog in the great wheel of Napoleonic Warfare is just a unique experience that sets this game apart. This is what this game is made for, and if you buy it, you really should join a regiment.
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