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Recent reviews by Papiek

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14.8 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very fun take on the genre. Entertaining gameplay and nice graphics create engaging experience that will make you want more. Definitely worth a try if you like this kind of games.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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235.0 hrs on record (174.6 hrs at review time)
Simply amazing.
Posted 15 June, 2024.
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105.5 hrs on record (48.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very engaging gameplay, with interesting premise. Results of Player's actions give nice sense of progress and achievement, as well as great satisfaction when observing fruits of your own labor.

Great for people who like this type of games and worth trying for those, who hasn't decided yet.
Posted 16 May, 2022.
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353.0 hrs on record (95.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Extremely engaging and deceptively simple. I really like how water works in this game.
There is something very satisfying in building elaborate projects and there is really a lot of freedom with what you can build or how you expand your towns.

Also, Beavers!
Posted 7 December, 2021.
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32.6 hrs on record (23.8 hrs at review time)
Very climatic and engaging gameplay. Lots of replayability value.
Posted 25 January, 2020.
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10.0 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
I have played Gothic II I can't remember how many times and even now, after about a decade I'm still not bored with this game. Graphics and gameplay got old, but story and world are just as interesting as during my first gameplay.

Amazing characters, world worth exploring and quite straight-forward, yet engaging story make each gameplay a fun experience. Gothic II is a game that defied the time and is one of the games that can be enjoyed despite now old graphics and combat system, which cannot be said about a lot of great (in their time) games.
Posted 27 November, 2016.
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60.8 hrs on record (36.0 hrs at review time)
Let me start by saying that I was extremely hyped for this game before release. My hopes were really high, especially when it comes to story. So when I say that main story was a bit disappointing for me, I want you to know, that it is still quite good. Just not all that I wished for.

For me, Deus Ex was always about the story. In "Human Revolution" we got engaging, complete and complex story, full of conspiracy, twists and interesting interactions with other characters. Unfortunately, the latest is missing in "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided". Sure, there is a lot of new characters, some of them are maybe even interesting, but there is no connection, no evolving relations like there was with characters in "Human Revolution". There is simply not enough time and not enough interactions for such connection to be created. Also, lack of "familiar faces" from previous game was a lowlight for me (I'm really eager for the DLC and reappearance of Pritchard).
Main plot feels a little rushed and incomplete. Sure, due to nature of presented events the "rushed" thing is understandable, but the story feels "small", especially when comparing to Human Revolution. It is still a good story though.
Fortunately, side quests and general world exploration provide entertaining addition to the main story and create very engaging world, worth being explored. Also, side quest chains present in the game are interesting stories on their own, definitely worth chasing. Also, due to multiple ways of completing them, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has really good replay value.

Gameplay and controls are easy to master, especially when one had previous experience with Human Revolution. New augmentations are fun to play. I would even say that some of them make the game easier than originally expected (I'm looking at you, Remote Hacking) - it is still fun to play.

To wrap things up: Not as good as I hoped for, but it is a solid 8/10 in my opinion. Graphics are nice (even on medium), story is good, however I prefer side quests over the main story - both are worth recommending though. Overall Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a good game. It has its flaws, sure, but the positive significantly outweighs the negative here.

Posted 18 October, 2016.
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6 people found this review helpful
15.7 hrs on record (12.4 hrs at review time)
This game is not your typical puzzle game. Sure, you need to solve puzzles but you have to use the corpses of the knights that came before. And it is fun!

Game is entertaining and addictive. Puzzles aren't usually too difficult, but on occasion they can provide a challenge. All of this together creates quite good game. Also, texts used in the game, i.e. to describe obtained inventory or comment on a Player's victory only adds to already fun experience. Definitely positive review.
Posted 30 September, 2016.
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14 people found this review helpful
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4.8 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
This is a game from the "complete and forget" type of games. It is pleasant and entertaining, true, but you won't return to it after you complete it.
Classic story-driven game, that only occasionaly demands some more involvment from the Players than simply walking around. That's why all that matters here is story and how it is presented. Game looks quite nice, graphics are pleasant and the general setting fits the story. Sure, don't expect any fireworks but still, there are way worse games.

As for the story, to be honest it's quite naive and told many times before - innocent child that is the only hope of the humanity. But then again, I believe that naivety was kind of the goal here. After all, who doesn't enjoy a pleasant and familiar story with happy ending.

"Toren" is not a complex game and won't introduce you to a completely new model of gameplay or innovative story-telling, but for a singular gameplay it is not a wasted time.
Posted 30 September, 2016.
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18.5 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
I played first chapter of "Life is Strange" out of curiosity and was very positively surprised. Story was light and nice with possibility for fun and interesting developments. Next chapters continued a pretty good writing and they kept me interested. I find the fact that a story keeps me interested and wanting for more a very good sign.
Time travel thing was never really well explained, but until the 5th chapter that is not really a problem. Only in the end it may bother that some things happen "just because" and it is not clear why (due to lack of proper explanation). Regardless, I still think that attempt at time travel in "Life is Strange" is not the worst I ever encountered and that is a positive thing.

Of course, this is not a perfect game, but still I enjoyed playing it (despite disappointing ending) and with no regrets I give a (very) positive review.
Posted 5 January, 2016.
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