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kayıtlarda 50.4 saat
Ring runner is a game that nobody plays anymore, but still provides tons of fun. The plot's kinda weak and the game also had a very slow start, but I absolutely loved how customizable the ships were (and how broken your ships could become if you customize them properly). Shame there's no longer a community playing the game; must've been quite fun during its peak.
Yayınlanma 29 Ocak 2022.
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95 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 4,244.3 saat
I'm still stuck in the room with Monika
Yayınlanma 9 Ağustos 2020. Son düzenlenme 9 Ağustos 2020.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 28.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 28.8 saat)
Shigatari is a steal at its price. I loved it at first sight and I still do.
1. This game is akin to FTL; rogue-like, random generated areas. You travel from place to place and region to region without ever going back to the same place but with some very unique game mechanics like personality where what you do affects your personality which in turn gives you bonuses / affect conversations. You also gain exp along the way which allows you to customize your own character and so on.

2. The game's combat mechanics is actually really fun and it prompted me to buy this game. It's a little complicated at first but after awhile you start to see its beauty; you could choose where you wanted to hit, how you wanted to dodge, where you wanted to parry. feint your attacks etc;

3.The game has a surprising amount of depth. If you smoke too much tobacco, you will have less stamina. If you kill too many innocent people, people will start leaving town to avoid you and so on.

4. The game mechanics are all explained in-game and easy to understand. The only game mechanic which is not explained is "secrecy" which I had to refer to the discussions to find out what it did.

There are some things to take note, however:

The game is very difficult in the beginning but a little too easy in the end-game.
1. This game is very difficult when you're first starting out; I spent 9 hours just trying to beat the first boss and get out of the first region.

At the start it is very easy for you to die because every single enemy has the ability to incapacitate you by hitting your legs (which pretty much makes it impossible for you to dodge or parry after that) or just hitting you in general. Because of this, just one mistake of any kind on your part can end your run prematurely, and there's no checkpoint system.

However, the game becomes very easy at the end.
After you get the hang of things, understand how combat works and have a few ancestor blessings under your belt, the game becomes a cakewalk. By the time you're in your 5th region you can easily just steamroll through the game chopping everyones' heads off like a Jedi on stims. By the time you reach the final boss you've probably got yourself a impenetrable shield from all those blessings you received by donating money to temples.

This didn't diminish the fun, but it does make it less replayable after you've figured the game out.

All in all, this is a good game and definitely worth getting.
Yayınlanma 16 Eylül 2017. Son düzenlenme 17 Eylül 2017.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.5 saat)
Armored Gear is a indie game where you run around a map shooting up tanks and sometimes buildings with a tank on your own. Feels like bomberman with guns or something like that.

It's actually a little fun for the first few minutes.

1. Misleading tags.
"Strategy": There isn't any strategy involved in this game. If I may say so, there's hardly even any thinking involved. You get the hang of it within a few minutes and the rest of the game is simply repeating the same thing over and over; flank the enemy tank, spam your cannon to take it down and repeat until you win the mission, then do the same thing again and again.

"Great Soundtrack": The soundtrack isn't bad, but putting "Great Soundtrack" in the Tags is ridiculous. We have games with awesome soundtracks like Sang-Froid Tales of Werewolves and they don't even have the tag.

2. Pixelated Developer Splash Screen
I've played a lot of games; good games, bad games, average games, whatever and I've never encountered one where the developer didn't care about putting up a good first impression; no matter how bad the game was, chances are they put considerable effort to making sure their brand didn't look terrible. It tells players that "Hey, I put in effort." no matter how bad the game is.
It was considerably disappointing to boot up the game and see a splash screen featuring a *very* pixelated image of the developer's logo. It was clearly not a design decision as the rest of the game graphics wasn't even close to being that pixelated.

3. A lot of bugs.
The game's got a lot of bugs. They aren't game breaking, but they can be quite annoying. You can boot the game and the text can be glitched up so bad you have to reload it. The game can crash when you try to continue from where you left off. Your movement can glitch up. You can end up stuck on the upgrades page etc etc.

4. Repetitive gameplay.
The game is very repetitive. You can play it for about 20 minutes and you would have experienced most of what the game has to offer. Dodge slow bullets and shoot slow bullets at tanks, watch them explode and repeat with other tanks. Worst of all, there's no timer, nor any sort of indication of your progress on that mission which means that for most missions (save the ones where you just have to destroy a building or two) you're probably just shooting everything you see and *hoping* that the mission ends so you can carry on to the next. Which is pretty much the same mission on a slightly different layout.

5. Room for improvement.
5a. Make things more interesting faster.
Fighting the same tanks with the same AI for 3 or more levels in a row gets boring real fast. Fighting new enemies like the tower, the boss, the rocket tanks and the infantrymen was a breath of fresh air but they got stale real fast too after you realize they either only appear on one level and then don't appear anymore (or too seldomly), or they just keep using the same boring AI.
5b. Make the levels more different.
Levels start out with different layouts, but with so many destructible terrain everything just end up blown up and it feels like level 1 again. The goal usually feels the same, too. Destroy ? tanks until you complete it.
5c. Tell the user how far he is into the mission.
Which brings me to my next point. At some point into the mission, I'm just shooting tanks up randomly hoping that I'll progress. It'll much be better if I had a sense of achievement, a sense of moving closer to the goal completing a mission with every tank I destroyed.

Yayınlanma 22 Mayıs 2017.
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kayıtlarda 4.8 saat
Sometimes I review free games to make sure I don't forget them after I uninstall them. Eternal Senia is one such game that is not worth forgetting.

Seeing how the main reviews have already covered all that I would want to say, I'll just keep this succinct.

4/5. I would look forward to Eternal Senia 2, but it doesn't look like it's going to come out any time soon.
Yayınlanma 21 Mayıs 2017.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 12.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 11.3 saat)
+Good music & voice acting
+Very interesting and strategic gameplay. Contains some very unique gameplay mechanics.
+Good Story and difficulty curve

o Graphics is a little... unique.

- Very long loading time when opening the game

I recommend this game. Even if you're not going to play it in the near future, keep it in your wishlist; free games of this quality are hard to find.
Yayınlanma 20 Mart 2017.
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kayıtlarda 32.8 saat
I was quite excited when I finally got this game and it is quite satisfying. Most of the negative reviews complained about how expensive it was; right now, I think the game is a gem with its price and a steal when it's on sale. For a $2 game, it gets a lot of things right.

This game looks and feels very much like another RPG maker game. What sets it apart is:

The creative narrative
The game's story is quite refreshing and is peppered with humor. It isn't anything groundbreaking but it is still entertaining. You may find the conversation options with the NPCs a little stale after you exhaust them throughout the game, but you'll still be pleasantly surprised by the change of conversation lines every now and then which occur based on your actions / time elapsed.

The thought provoking moments
As a parody of life, Cubicle Quest actually offers a lot of food for thought. For example, defeating the extra expenses in the game made me think about how I could cut costs in my own life and waiting for a promotion in the game made me think about how sometimes you just need time to get things done.
In the game, some of the things you thought were important end up totally useless in the grand scheme of things;all those cars, boats and rings you may buy aren't going to be one bit useful in the game.
Some things just don't work out, just like in real life: you'll never marry Emily or Lisa no matter how hard you try.
This applies even to NPCs: no matter how much Gina loves the main character, her limited skills and low effectiveness in combat (which can be implied as emotional support in real life) ultimately make her a poor choice for a partner compared to the other NPCs, mirroring the fact that no matter how much you love someone, you may never be the right one for him/her.

The surprising amount of strategy involved
Most RPGs follow the concept of grinding, followed by buying weapons and armor and then min-maxing your stats.
Cubicle Quest takes a slightly different approach by only selling consumables and giving you equipment as you progress through the story. Not only that, enemies have different types of attacks and can afflict different types of ailments, which can be countered by equipping the appropriate accessories; meanwhile, they have their various weaknesses which you can exploit with your skills and different characters.
This keeps the game remarkably fresh as you're constantly figuring out and building your strategy to counter the enemies in the different dungeons.

The freedom to do what you want
Most games are kind of linear and generally have some sort of order in which you have to complete the game. Cubicle Quest doesn't really enforce that; you can get married first and then buy a house, or get yourself promoted first etc, so long as you reach your goals in the end.

The music
It is actually quite good.

That said, the game is not flawless and it can feel a little rough around the edges with a few trivial bugs and occasional crashes.
Some of the game mechanics aren't really clear
Most of the game is quite intuitive but some things can always be more clearly elaborated on (for example, one doesn't know how effective an accessory with "Reduces damage" is).
This can be written off with "life is sometimes vague", but frankly speaking the game forces you to do a lot of trial and error whether you like it or not. Fortunately, there's a pretty comprehensive guide for those who hate to experiment too much.

The freedom can frustrate you
Freedom is a double-edged sword, especially in RPGs since you don't know where is the best place to go next for your level. You're very likely to wander into somewhere that's way beyond your skill level and get yourself slaughtered.

The secrets can mislead you
There's actually quite a number of hidden gems in the game which make you wonder if there's more to be done, which can trick you into looking for secrets that were never there in the first place.

The replayability isn't there
After you struggled so hard to reach the end, there isn't much incentive for the player to start all over again.
Yayınlanma 13 Mart 2017. Son düzenlenme 13 Mart 2017.
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kayıtlarda 4.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.8 saat)
Fox and Flock is a board game that is simple to understand and play. The graphics, music and narration are pleasing to the senses and I quite enjoyed the story.

However, there is one gaping flaw: the board game itself is boring once you have finished the story mode which took only half an hour for me to complete.

Playing as the fox felt unsatisfying as your wins were mostly because of the mistakes made by the AI instead of your own skillful play. On the other hand, playing as the flock also felt too easy because you could easily control where the fox moved by simply protecting your pieces or luring the fox into corners as the flock advanced towards the door.

I wouldn't recommend buying it at full price but it is still a game worth playing.
Yayınlanma 24 Şubat 2017.
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