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投稿日: 2022年2月3日 6時18分
更新日: 2022年2月3日 6時28分

This is one of those games that must've been pretty cool for its time, but it's pretty bad for today's standards.

The story
Actually kind of interesting? But the presentation is bland, boring and sometimes even disorienting as your camera follows balls (each representing a world) revolving around other balls in the campaign briefing screen.

Learning curve
In my opinion, the most annoying thing about the game is the steep learning curve, and how you got to learn everything yourself. Sure, the game mechanics are cool and interesting (even when compared to RTS games today!), but there's so little guidance it's no wonder this game didn't take off. Did you know that your buildings take damage if you don't ensure the land underneath them is flat, and for some reason certain types of lands crack while others don't? Did you know that some building/unit options that were previously available to you in previous missions will now be blacked out for no reason, only because the game developer wants you to try out a new option? Did you know that once a unit is assigned to a squad, it cannot be reassigned to other squads? Did you know that you cannot split squads up, and to have multiple squads, you need to build command centres? Did you know that some terrain cannot be flattened, no matter how hard or how long you try? Did you know that when you transform your units, everything is transformed, so even the units that weren't used will disappear until you break them back into their basic units?

Did you know this? Did you know that?

Well, chances are, you don't, and if you don't understand what I'm talking about, then just save yourself the trouble and stay away from this game. It's frustrating when you figure it out after multiple restarts, multiple trial and errors, and multiple "Ohhhh, so that's how it works." when it should've just been either taught in the tutorial, or taught at the start of the mission. These things just make the game less of a game and more of a chore. In 2004 this might've been okay. But with so many RTS options available now, you don't have to put yourself through this suffering.

If you're starting the game, the tutorial barely scratches the surface, and you will struggle to figure out this, that, and whatnot when you encounter the problem and try to resolve it. I actually thought the game was bugged when I couldn't select each unit individually, until I realized that squads cannot be split.

Perhaps you were thinking you could Google and search for tips and tricks on how to play the game. Wrong. The game isn't very popular and the name is even more generic, so Googling doesn't really give any good results.

Personally, just give this a skip and play other games. The game still runs rather smoothly, but for today's standards? It's an ancient relic to be admired from a distance.
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