The Dapper Fire
Adi   Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Welcome to my profile what ever brings you here please go ahead and check what ever you want and don't be afraid to leave a comment on the way out.
Also long live the AAF :AAF: :ALTIS:
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-Insert edgy text in some new age gothic cancer here-
Veni, Vedi, Vici. - Gaius Julius Caesar
(I Came, I Saw, I Conquered)

I should be pleased, I suppose, that Hitler has carried out a revolution on our lines. But they are Germans. So they will end by ruining our idea.
- Benito Mussolini

The politician's promises of yesterday are the taxes of today.
- Mackenzie King

If we are to preserve civilisation, we must first remain civilised.
-Louis St Laurent

(Join Commonwealth and friends cause its cool)

MY SPECS!!! (Like every other scrub on steam)
- :conwayshrug: I USE A LAPTOP!!!!! :wht:

Well other stuff that can make me actually seem like a human being.

Zodiacs: (Babylonian) Cancer and (Chinese) Golden Snake :lunar2020contentsnake:

Games I stick to usually revolve around FPS(First Person Shooters), Survival games, and Strat games of course nothing too big since I have the brain of a mongoose.

I'm also into most history revolving around Italy and things based in World War Two and still trying to work more on World War One facts while also dabbling in most politics to see which one can actually make a country run with the least possible chaos and disorder while allowing a good amount of freedom.

-Some how a little Aboriginal (Native Canadian) :canadian:
-Tiny bit Scot/English
-Teeny tiny bit french...
-The rest is Italian

Nhóm yêu thích
Commonwealth and friends - Nhóm công khai
A pretty simple gaming group
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Trưng bày Workshop
Just assorted kit for friends to use, Assorted quality of life and other mods to add flavour to your playthroughs
Tạo bởi - The Dapper Fire
Hoạt động gần đây
234 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 3 Thg03
102 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 26 Thg02
11,2 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 25 Thg02
Shades 31 Thg01 @ 12:36am 
I bet this guy is french Canadian
Shades 7 Thg10, 2024 @ 2:15am 
Shades 25 Thg05, 2024 @ 7:06am 
i'll get dawn of war Retribution right now :popular:
Shades 31 Thg12, 2023 @ 5:25am 
Happy new year Dapper, enjoy the rest of your year :popular:
Shades 22 Thg12, 2023 @ 8:51pm 
Merry Christmas canadian person :popular:
Shades 31 Thg12, 2022 @ 8:00am 
HAPPY NEW YEAR, take care of yourself