Road to 3 MMR
Vasu Kinogurkan   Tajikistan
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🧚🏽 Goldie 🙇🏿‍♀ 13 févr. 2020 à 14h20 
💚 -- 📀 -- 📕 -- 🎫 -- 📀 -- 🐟 -- 💃 -- 🚙 -- 🥒 -- 🎁 -- 🌂 -- 💎 -- 🎽 -- 💛 -- 📗
better !pout !cry
better watchout
lpr why
santa claus < north pole > town

cat /etc/passwd > list
ncheck list
ncheck list
cat list | grep naughty > nogiftlist
cat list | grep nice > giftlist
santa claus < north pole > town

who | grep sleeping
who | grep awake
who | grep bad || good
for (goodness sake) {
be good

Sweet sixteen is beautiful Bess,
And her voice is changing -- from "No" to "Yes".

Lisp, Lisp, Lisp Machine,
Lisp Mac

🏀 -- 🕺 -- 💄 -- 🎍 -- 😺 -- 🐛 -- 👑 -- 🍆 -- 👹 -- 🚗 -- 👾 -- 🎄 -- 🚕 -- 🌳 -- 👔