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Recent reviews by Carothis

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2 people found this review helpful
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229.1 hrs on record (153.8 hrs at review time)
I grew up playing magic the gathering, And though this game does allow you to do just that from your own home it is at its core flawed. The game itself you can tell is not optimized as it runs poorly on multiple PCs for multiple friends of mine and even crashes on some high end ones. Additionally the shuffleing is not in any way random in multiple tests and games the mana bunches up same with creatures ect. And lastly I would think a game that has been out as long as this has would have all the available cards you could play live for historic but It does not.

In summary, Do I hate the game? No not at all. But does it deserve to only be free to play. Yes it does.
Posted 14 September, 2023.
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8 people found this review helpful
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39.1 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Okay so I'm not about to Brag about myself like I'm seeing it a lot of these reviews with people saying "I made blood bowl 2 popular!!!" Blah blah blah. Because those are just people who like to complain and feel entitled because they put time into a game that was more then 7+ years old and had time to get where it needed to be.

Now what I will do is review the game for what it is. Thus far I have had minimal to no bugs and granted I am getting used to the UI but this was something I expected as this is a brand new game. Is this game Blood Bowl 2? No no it is not. Is this game good? I would say it is. It works, You can make a team, You can play the game, And you can name your characters and team whatever you want. I mean come on where else can I name a Skaven "Sniffilis" ? . Thats right very few places. However with this game being just released today and brand new it does need more features added to it. The game needs more Stadiums, More Coaches, More Cheerleaders and More customization along with some other things. I did not get this game for free at all. In-fact I bought this game for me and all my friends so I believe they WILL make the corrections and add more to the game however that cant happen today or overnight so everyone needs to take a breath relax and let it happen and stop being a Bunch of entitled whiny little babies like someone with 0.2 Hrs in the game which at the time of writing this was the first showing review. Seriously dude get over yourself you even didn't allow comments on your review because you are THAT entitled.

Do I recommend this game? Sure if you think that the 30 dollar base price isn't too bad and you don't mind the fact the game is brand new then yeah play it. It will take some getting used too but with some friends it would still be fun. Is the game where it needs to be? No not yet, And I will lastly touch on the cash shop. It is from what I see 100% cosmetic so you in no way need to use it nor spend money and anyone saying "You cant tell you players apart without it!" well that was pretty much the norm for the other blood bowl games too. So just name them different names and take a second and READ and you will be fine selecting the players you want. So take my review as you will but just be open minded because there is NO game that's perfect on release. I hope this review helps you all.
Posted 23 February, 2023. Last edited 23 February, 2023.
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135 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
0.0 hrs on record
What can I say about this, Well as someone who doesn't do reviews all that often the fact I'm going to write one should speak volumes. I have over 1000 hours in the game and a lot in the expansion as well and I'm going to list my opinion below.

Lets start with the good, The graphics update is welcomed, So is the fact you can actually go in stations, Walk around your ship on the outside. And can do some things on the ground you couldnt previously. However, Thats where the good of this expansion ends.

Alot of what we want we just are not getting, Where is the interiors to our ships? We don't have them. Where is the planets with actual atmosphere? We don't have those either. Where is ANY unique living life? Non existent. And all the bases ect are just copy and pasted of another one with the same mundane things to do and same enemies. and that all would not be so bad if the company and yes I'm talking about it directly didn't assume they know what we want. Then tell us we WOULDN'T want it when we say we do!. We want those interiors of our ships, Do you see anyone complain about that in star citizen? or any other space sim that lets you do that? No no you do not because we LOVE that stuff. that is why we are IN A SPACE SIM GAME!!!.

And whats worse about whats listed above is a Dev had the confidence to say "Ill disagree with the chat and say you wouldnt want it and it would get boring" ,No!. You are just trying to make a quick buck and get this out faster. We the players have in no way been quiet about what we want. We want those interiors. We want all those listed previously and we are not being provided them. and additionally this expansions STILL laggy for some if not unplayable. Basically they added new modes to do that you make less then you can in space regardless so there is little incentive to even do so. and its a crying shame. I Love elite dangerous but it IS lacking and it needs such things to actually stay competitive Iv even recently went over to star citizen because even though its a buggy mess at least I can walk my ship, See interesting planets. And Iv been on no man sky for my seeing creatures fix ect. I see no reason why this team cant get their crap together and do that it will only benefit them in the long run to be the total package instead of just a crushed bag of potatoe chips youll eat if you have nothing better.
Posted 14 October, 2021.
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312.7 hrs on record (194.7 hrs at review time)
This is a game me and my friends can always go back to and enjoy and try new things on and in a world of cash grabs left and right that says alot.
Posted 18 May, 2020.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries