Johnny #wannatrade ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Yan   Belarus
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╠════════════════════════ Trading Rules ═════════════════════════════
║➊ Do not try to lowball.
║➋ If you want to upgrade or split my items/want me to downgrade, you will have to overpay!
║➌ Do not try to scam, I know all scam attempts and it is just a waste of time for you!
║➍ Send me trade offers if I am not online at the moment.
║➏ I do not accept tradebacks
║❼ Dont add me and beg for skins

╠════════════════════ I am not accepting people that... ═════════════════════
║➀ Have private profile (if you have not offered on csgolounge).
║➁ Have an inventory without any valuable items & is lower then lvl 1.

║------------------------------------------☮ ⒽⒶⓅⓅⓎ ⓉⓇⒶⒹⒾⓃⒼ ☮-----------------------------------------------

║ It's quite simple, right? :)
║ Would be lovely if you add +rep to my profile if we did a good trade. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

itsMeMario 27 mei 2023 om 7:42 
hi , i wanna send a trade offer but your inventory is private and i cant
✪ Bingo_g 15 jul 2015 om 3:31 
Солевые мутации 15 mei 2015 om 3:41 
пробуй вартандр
Bersy 13 jul 2014 om 11:12 
itahi105 9 nov 2012 om 14:19 
alalalallalalal 29 okt 2012 om 8:53 