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Đánh giá gần đây bởi IKARUGA

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39.9 giờ được ghi nhận (12.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
It's pretty alright. 7.5/10

I bought this game on preorder, let's get this out of the way beforehand, so take that as you will.
This game is down to the core a fluid mechanical fighting game, That is all you are going to get. Don't buy this game if you are not ready for that, It's beautiful and just feels very refined in terms of the combat however there are some glaring issues that hint at the game being rushed to completion.

Lets talk about the single player mode or Story mode. This game mode is so hapharzardly done that it becomes glaringly obvious that they did not put much stock in it's completion after the E'3 trailer for it came out. The writing is something that might be out of a coloring book, the voice acting minus the main antagonist is awful and choices for coding are questionable at best. The observables in the game are really a great Idea but very poorly executed as they are always cut off by the unneccessary dialague that your antagonist quips about constantly. I would find one only to have the explanation cut off during a cutscene or abruptly stop when a enemy hero shout's his/her battlecry of 4 year old variety only to find after killing that character it wouldn't let me go back and view it.

But let's look at the upside of the story. The background story is mysterious and full proof. I was coaxed very willingly into viewing objects around the map that piqued my interest and found myself (if I had the time to due to the fact I was nearly being shoved from one mission to another) standing and looking at all the beautiful sometimes morose scenery. this game had a depth to it that due to poor execution will go unnoticed and that makes me sad that only a few people will enjoy that. but the campaign is pretty easily seperated and leaves alot of room for people to go back and enjoy without trudging through the first completion pains.

The story will likely leave you wanting (in the bad usage) for more.

Now for the multiplayer.

This is this game's bread and butter. They fixed alot after the open beta and balance feels better and there are moments where I feel like it's a real battle. However due to connection issues in the bigger gamemodes 4v4's specifically there are some moments where I feel like the battle is lost and we have been winning the entire game. This never becomes unjarring. I hope that they try to implement a different system, for if they are want some competive rank ladders they will need to adjust this seemingly archaic peer to peer setup.

But what about the good things? you might ask?

The game feels right. you can feel the effort put into the models from start to finish even if the viking minions look silly. and combat just sinks in and feels so intoxicatingly good once you find a character that you enjoy playing, that I can see myself playing this for a long time. The ganks feel manageable even from a 3 on 1 standpoint with good positioning however this kind of combat where every millisecond counts in blocking dodging ducking and weaving can be hampered severely by a poor connection to the host. a player will guard break me and i will mash the X button to break at the appropriate time only to find I have almost predeterminatly lost the exchange.

This game has some growing pains to adjust to, and with the ubisoft label I fear that they will only determine that a sequel is the best option instead of letting this game grow and right itself.

So if you are looking for a cool medieval fighting sim. you've come out to the right place, if you are unsure wait for a discounted product before purchasing.

Otherwise this game is pretty decent.
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 2, 2017. Sửa lần cuối vào 15 Tháng 2, 2017.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
13.3 giờ được ghi nhận (8.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I recommend this game, but at a lower price. I have played solo far and for a rogue-like I am enjoying myself alot.


Here is what I like about the game so far:

1: Solo gameplay is relatively challenging, for a casual player like myself.

2: The worlds are pretty, 3-D perspective complements this game well.

3: There is alot of freedom to goof around with items spells and tomes.

4: The dialogue and written narrative is genuinely funny but also keeps the tone grim without it being uncomfortable to play

5: There are some amazing unspoken stories that require some imagination within the walls of the game.

This game plays awesome by myself, but hear in lies the problem with the game. For its potential diversity it doesn't offer much difference between solo and online co-op play.

Here is what I disliked about it:

1: Lvls 1-4 are just ambient sounds, the themes are the same making the first few levels a grind after the first couple of resets.

2: Traps that don't root, need to be more potent. As the game stands unless you are caught by some root trap (which some are well hidden compared to other traps) you probably will live to see the end of the game

3: Starting weapon diversity, you get a machete that's it.

4: It's a CPU intense game, its poorly optimized but beautiful regardless.

I agree with people saying its a short game which makes me a little a sad however I do not think it is not fun. Is it worth playing? hell yeah! Is it worth 30$? No.

This is more over meant to be played with a friend and if the game was 15$ I am sure there would be a lot less complaints about the game.

It wasn't lacking anything it promised to deliver on but it is apparent that it lacks polish and late game diversity and additional challenge after beating the game.

That aside this game is fun and if the devs work on it some more it can be great however it was released and not 'early-access' so there is little chance of that happening

So in summary wait for a sale of this game definitely worth it in the 10-15 range like most of it's genre.
Đăng ngày 13 Tháng 7, 2016.
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