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Diposting: 17 Nov 2024 @ 6:20am
Diperbarui: 17 Des 2024 @ 8:43am

im not sure about this game its just like planet coaster 1 just with the power grid from planet zoo guest AI is still nowhere close to being good. They added staff paths but absolutely no reason for that guest don't go anywhere that doesn't have rides or shops hell even if you have a big park with lots of paths guest will still just be all bunched up together. Guest will enter your park and ride one ride and then go or just go to a shop then leave. noting bad ever happens or even will happen the worst thing that can happen is bins and beaches get trashed just hate how PG this game is. Added water parks to the game witch is pretty lame and for a theme park game they don't add a lot of thing that should be in a theme park game carnival game arcade machines but they add aquatic ,viking and mythological like none of those makes sense. The coaster part of the game also feel under welling gives you no limitations when building it also doesn't tell you if your coaster if unsafe just have to test it once and your good to go. At the end of the day its a great creative building game that's all its good for.
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