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6 people found this review helpful
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0.6 hrs on record
I gotta say, while I'm late on playing Tattletail, I am not at all new to the game itself. I've read and seen a playthrough of it when it was first out. A year later and a huge sale (as of this writing the day after Christmas 2017, on sale for $1.99) it is a fantastic buy for Horror and Adrenaline Junkies like myself. Even at $5 it's a nice cheap and enjoyable experience. What I enjoyed msot about this game is the continued trend of "cute...but something isn't right" motiff that this and similar games have, which harkens back to some classic 90s Horror Movies, while Tattletail injects more 90s nostalgia with it being akin to Furbys which plagued Kids for years!

The game utilizes a fantastic ambience of being set at night, with MANY sound cues which trigger Adrenaline and Fear responses, the gameplay also makes use of the "Fight or Flight" drive, when having to deal with the game's Terror: Mama. A short game, but sweet in my opinion and well worth your time to get the unique world of Tattletail.
Posted 26 December, 2017.
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0.5 hrs on record
The mythos and Legend of Five Nights at Freddy's continues. Regardless if you love it or hate it, the story, atmosphere and tension are brilliantly conveyed and brought back for a third time. The very basic core of the game has remained the same, however the threats, mechanics & tools to survive have changed from across all three games. What i like about this one is how it plays tricks with your mind, instead of having to worry about power percentages of the first game or balancing flashlight & mask use i nthe second, you have to be aware of your sanity. System failures can lead to broken camera feed, audio (to distract the threat known as Springtrap) malfunctioning and ever important ventilation systems (which cause hallucinations).

I feel the tactics and sytle is top notch, for a one man team and dedication to the ever thriving fans it's great purchase. The jumpscares got me a few times, but the puzzle & balancing aspect of trying to survive while also in a very unfriendly (and imo awesome) setting really kept me entertained. The different theories, mysteries and discussions amid the thousands of fans is a testament AND a throwback on how games use to be. We use to talk more, word of mouth about scerets or hypothisis on characters or subtle attributes within the game.
Posted 6 March, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
9.2 hrs on record
A fantastic Transformers game! Filled with enough fan service to fill Unicron up, fluid controls, a bevy of well known Transformers, grand cinematic moments and perfect voice acting bring the Transformers alive! I simply can't get enough of this game, with the seamless transforming at the press of a button changes up combat and pits you into dire situations.

A Well rounded game at heart with responsive controls and a wide selection of weapons to pick up scattered in levels. If you're a long time fan of Transformers, just got into them or returning this is a perfect game to jump into and get into the action!
Posted 23 June, 2014.
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7.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
This is an absolute MUST HAVE for any Metroid/Castlevania fan, or action brawlers! Even with Mouse/Kyboard the game is a flawless and seamless blend of action, comedy, folklore and just all around awesomsauce! You'd be doing yourself a disservice not picking up and supporting this game. I can't speak highly enough at how fun and inventive the combat is in here, after unlocking a couple of moves, you're able to mix n match abilities for some destructive fun that will def put a smile on your face! The game is stunningly beautiful with a solid story, great use of folklore/myths as well as culture to create a imaginative world. It also has perhaps the best soundtrack of this year!
Posted 27 December, 2013.
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0.6 hrs on record
I remember when Guardians of Middle Earth was first annoucned and released, that I was sad it didn't have a Pc version. I decently enjoy MOBA based games and absolutely love LOTR, that said, once this received a PC port I was happy & excited. Being unable to get into right away due to backlog and other things, I had it pushed back. Once I saw it was part of a Humble Bundle it was an added bonus among the other selections.

Having had time to give it a try, it leaves a ton to be desired, an absolute attrocious port for a genre that was made for PC play. It's beyond clunky, unresponsive controls and poorly optimized on just about every facet. I was unable to trudge through more than one match and it took almost the entire match to even start killing enemy champions. Being unable to connect to a single online game, I had to rely on a Bot match, the AI on these things is questionable as much sit back despite having wounded enemies around or having superior numbers.

It's a real shame to see what was probably going to be a favorite of mine to play off and on, returning once in awhile to play as my favorite characters from a well established franchise. This also being perhaps still the only LOTR game in while you actively play as the villains. I was wanting to find other MOBAs than LoL due to it's horrid community and inflation of champions which are released way too often, with Heroes of the Storm a long ways off, DOTA being a bit out of my league, I think the only option left is Infinity Crisis. This should be avoided at all costs, even for casual/bot play it's a chore and youll find little fun despite it's promising premise & potential.
Posted 27 December, 2013.
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0.2 hrs on record
Dear Esther is a unique game in that it tries to convey a subtle story through it's environment and pieces of paper, which are narrative puzzle pieces. While this is one of those experiences that are fully realized by immersing one's self into the world created here, the problem becomes too apparent. That problem is that Dear Esther isn't interesting enough to pull you into it's world, or for you to explore and put the mystery at rest. The game gives you an Island to explore, but it's a bore to traverse, having fixed paths that force you to go the "long way" around. Being unable to interact with almost anything in the game and you are set with a extremly quiet game with nothing to do, nor much to immerse yourself into continued play.

Games like Anna and Proteus do a much better job of being interesting enough or imaginative enough to have the actual experience enjoyable. There will be those that enjoy it and more power to them, but Dear Esther is bare-bones in my opinion and not worth the time or money. I appreciate the concept but it just isn't fully realized nor captilized on to be a fun ride.
Posted 26 December, 2013.
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9.6 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
This is Kart Racing at it's prime! Tons of tracks to race on, colorful and unique characters to play as, one of the more balanced arsenal of weapon items and just bursting with great production values! Can't go wrong with this as solo or multiplayer, both add hours of fun that is sure to continue to draw you back in! Taking classic Sega games and injecting them into the themes for levels and actual characters is a treat and sure to bring a smile to long time fans. I dare say that this is a more enjoyable Kart Racer then Mario Kart itself, the transformation feature seamlessly changes racing and keeps the entertainment fresh, while allowing for room to improve and grow your skills while also allowing newcomers to easily jump right into the fun!

This is gaming at its finest with pure, blissful enjoyment! You won't find a better racer for your $ worth and as a game in general, no reason to pass this over!
Posted 9 December, 2013. Last edited 9 December, 2013.
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2.8 hrs on record
What was a promising premise for a video game, quickly turns into a clunky and horrible nightmare that isn't enjoyable. The story is weak with HORRENDOUS voice acting, half the time the sound clips out and you're presented with soundless cutscenes. The platforming is way too loose and unresponsive, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't require pinpoint accurate platforming. The first quarter of the game is perfect, with dodging Zombies, traversing the broken world...then it turns into a muddled puzzle platformer. Only get if you're a Zombie fanatic or it's extremely cheap.
Posted 27 November, 2013.
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30.5 hrs on record
Might & Magic has long been a mainstay of fantasy games, now as a free-to-play card game, it just became even better! With a few unique twists on familiar games such as Magic: The Gathering, enganging combat, robust set of cards and beautiful artwork, it's n owonder it's so good! A must have for card game enthusiasts! Did I mention it's free? :D

EDIT: Game has been abandoned and left in a buggy and broken state. Shame since the mechanics and cards are extremely fu nto play. It was doing well but then turned into a greed machine and left to try to plunder what they could from the fans and players.
Posted 13 November, 2013. Last edited 25 January, 2016.
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11.2 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
A great multuplayer game that is bursting with character, references to 80's cartoons with addictively fun gameplay! The game turns typical MOBA into a less stressful experience and makes it more accessible, interesting and engaging without the nonsense of "being forced to pick a hero/role". The use of preset bonus upgrades to buy is more preferable then a giant mess of a store of items that can gimp your gameplay without extensive research. The game has some nice touches with the one-liners, multitude of varied levels to play, a little minigame as the match sets up to begin, as well as theme music for each hero.
Posted 26 July, 2013.
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