Lou Cypher
Kel   Florida, United States
:bo3smile:All Gave Some.....But Some Gave All !!!!!

If you have a VAC ban you're a HACKER! I don't want to hear your whinny, lame, ♥♥♥♥♥ a$$ excuse. They don't give out bans for offensive avatars, you were cheating on something......period.

Let me use the excuse that 99% of the loosers (aka Hackers) use in a different scenario. "If your significat other cheated on you just ONE time they are not a cheater." Or are they? I sure most of the loosers would forgive their cheating companion cause it only happened once and your not a cheater if it only happened one time.

At least thats the way 99% of them come across with their excuse.

So think about it Dumbass!
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