Rhode Island, United States
Things I like:
speaking my mind, honesty, RPG's with REAL choices allowing players to create mc's personality. RPG's that make protagonist's background as fleshed out as party members, RPGs with power fantasies, open world zombie shooter rpg/hybrid games, realistic anti-heroes/dark heroes, sandbox games, spicy food, action flicks, historical medieval or fantasy games/books/war movies.

Things I Hate:
Pathetic people who go with the status quo just to "get along" even though they are going against what they believe in, sycophants, liars, manipulators, egotists, mary-sue's, snowflakes, elitist gamers, people who don't take responsability for their actions, people without an open mind, people without pride, weak people on forums who attack someone who makes a solid criticism about a game/dev just so they think they can get brownie points from an indie fraud for a place at their feet, + the ones who back the criticism but keep quiet or cowardly pitch in half heartedly to avoid being next.

Linearity, MMO's; simply just empty story human battery operated cash-grabs designed singularly without content so corp 'devs' can get paid to let clueless players amuse each other, silent protaginist's, indie devs, and main characters who follow and don't lead in their own story, devs who think it's ok to let NPC's or companions diminish importance/hijack the protagonist's role of centered leadership, cheap faction plots; not interested in paying 60 dollars or spending 100+ hours in a stupid story with plot/quest's that has nothing to do with MC + in no way benefit him, forced for no reason to support/adopt a worthless npc/faction's bid for personal power instead of yourself, blank slate PC w/o personality, story, goal or background, sickening unrealistic pure JRPG protags + tame bad guys who don't do anything that that evil.

Feminnazi + woke destructive campaign effect on the gaming industry. Insulting, unsubtle forced world views rife with hypocritical anti-male, female supremacist rhetoric backed by coward AAA devs who think "they must represent all female or gay minds, must be good for biz, let's go with that". Their philosphy? Nice, likable, respectful, makeup, long hair, overall pretty female characters are bad. Weak pandering pretty boy party members? That's ok. Though they are now representing us way the females were complaining about. Also ok. Vocabulary eggshell-walking nonsense made up by thin-skinned angry closet bigots, happy to call everyone else one, telling people they have no right in a free country to any opinion that doesn't match theirs or support their choices.

Don't like what we think/say? But we still have a right to our philosophy and to say what we want, like you do. Doesn't make us a bigot. WE don't influence toxic Nexus bias bans, or bully media + companies to make ♥♥♥♥♥♥ games for them using excuses of fake "morality" to oppress the interests and opinions of the majority. Alienating males + heteros making sure that there is no friendly place left for us, as 2nd class citizens. Feminist 'strength' obsession. Strong, bla, bla. Should their PERSONAL problem of self confidence + inadequacy be justification to take it out on confident males? How hypocritically they treat men in an agressive, disrespectful, condecending way, socially unacceptable in human society THEY wouldn't tolerate, but in reponse to any male whom they've never met say in their defense, "it's your turn." Games are a commercial product and are supposed to be "pretty and nice". Not ugly and mean. No one buys an ugly car, it's not supposed to have anything to do with "morals". It's buisness. And for the players, we don't want to pay 60 dollars to be brainwashed by a "philosophy" we don't share. We just want to have fun.
Rogue FOXHOUND 20 ต.ค. @ 9: 50am 
Life is often akin to a bad RPG. An endless grueling slog through countless challengers, and in the end, no matter how you play the game, everyone loses, and you never get to keep anything you get.