The Moraca Bros.   Arizona, United States
"It would be terrible if the Red Cross bloodmobile got into an accident. No, wait. That would be good because if anyone needed it, the blood would be right there."
lockesdoc 2 gen 2015, ore 17:09 
+ rep, I know this guy. Really chill.
-SGI- ChristopherMorgan13 3 gen 2014, ore 18:29 
+ rep fast east trader
B- 30 giu 2013, ore 13:51 
+rep fast and nice trafer
Team Fortress 2 7 giu 2013, ore 14:38 
+Rep. My god, he's like the nicest guy ever!
Sad 10 apr 2013, ore 18:57 
+Rep: Not only a great trader, but a good friend. +Respect
səʊlfʊl.MegaAnticipated 19 gen 2013, ore 14:00