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1 person found this review helpful
2,047.1 hrs on record (2,045.1 hrs at review time)
Cool rebrand, and a much higher quality new player/leveling experience, but there's still no replayable endgame ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Game is not new, it's been out for 3 years, and with that in mind this update only added two new pieces of high level content- which are now the only things worth doing at endgame since they didn't buff the rewards for like 80% of the other high level areas, they're kinda dead content now.

The PVP island has been predictably camped by unemployed gank teams.
The raid isn't bad, but you play an MMO for more than just one raid.

If there was a "mixed" review option i'd give it that. It's a great, huge, and fun game, but the player numbers will drop once the console players come to the same realization that the PC players did once they finish leveling- there ain't nothin' to do
Posted 25 January, 2022. Last edited 30 October, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Looks great, looks like it plays great, too bad it doesn't launch.
Posted 15 November, 2021. Last edited 15 November, 2021.
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229 people found this review helpful
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146.2 hrs on record (146.0 hrs at review time)
Going from new light to trials of osiris, this has been my experience with the game.

The Good
-Solid gunplay, interesting enemies, excellent teamplay.

This game understandably feels like halo, and that's a great thing. Good team interactions, cooperation, great boss fights and core gameplay loop of shoot-to-loot. Armor and customization is through the roof, and you really can play how you want.
Great art, music, landscapes, the game is beautiful and runs well. It rewards consistent fighting and it makes you really feel like you're part of a war effort, and there's always something to do. The voice acting, story, characters are all excellent, and it's easy to get hooked into being a Guardian, it's really a game that rewards player retention.

The Not-Good
-Content removals, nerfs, paywalls and FOMO

From the moment you begin the new player experience, you're hit with a brick wall of FOMO, references are made to crucially lore-important events, wars, and showdowns you've never heard of (or be able to play), players wearing armors, holding titles, and wielding weapons you'll never be able to get, because they've been simply removed from the game. Sunsettings mean that items, cosmetics, etc. that you can't buy from the MTX store (which does stock *some* past things, but nothing gameplay-impacting or particularly prestigious) are gone for good, and you had to be there. Better luck next time.

The game is advertised as free, but the main meat of the game (since the game's story campaign has been removed) is found in DLC content... a lot of it, which adds up in price. Throw in paid season passes, time-limited events, and the fact that bungie regularly makes balance changes with the intent to shake up the meta, requiring you to re-grind the metagame gear, means that if you miss playing for long enough, you'll be set back tremendously. Less so with the weekly bounties/vendor rotations, but if you can't play for a week, and said vendors have a currently meta or crucially important item, well, better luck next time. This is to speak nothing of the RNG involved in drop farming, but that's pretty well covered in some of the other reviews.

EDIT: Shortly after releasing this review, bungie announced they were vaulting Forsaken, the much beloved cayde-6 expansion- a DLC paid for with real money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the only AAA game that i've ever heard of that releases anti-updates, where the game *loses* content you paid for and replaces it with something new that you have to pay for, again.

-It's good, if you're willing to start permanently behind and not mind the business model.

To enjoy this game in full, you needed to have been playing at launch, or even D1 before it, but it's still decently fun to get into and frag around in. If you really want to reach popular or endgame content or *truly* shine and join a high level clan (one of the only ways to do said high level content), be prepared for weekly grinds, RNG slogs, and the need to devote a significant portion of your life to keeping tabs on this game to stay relevant and obtain good rolls on things before the meta eventually shifts.
For some people? That's what they're looking for out of a game, but i can't bring myself to recommend it, because i'm not that kind of gamer.
Posted 4 October, 2021. Last edited 25 October, 2021.
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33.6 hrs on record
Fantastic australian nonsense in space!
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
323.8 hrs on record (29.9 hrs at review time)
(Lengthy Review, TLDR: at the bottom)

Mordhau is a bloody fantastic (literally) game that in my view improves on Chivalry. I'm no stranger to movement-based deathmatch gameplay either (recently making 7000 hours in Team Fortress 2!) and this game certainly gets it right in that regard. Here's a list:

The Pros:

-The gameplay is solid. You pick from a number of set classes, or build your own class with a fixed equipment/perks budget. Hearty and crisp swordplay, deep mind games with feints and ripostes, and weapons that feel (and hit) like they should IRL. Just make sure you don't blow your team up with the catapult. It also runs well on most systems, and has between gorgeous and minecrafty graphics depending on what you set it to.

-Good overall loadout diversity: Most are useful and the metagame is whatever playstyle you're best at, though some weapons are strong in specific game modes.

-NO MICROTRANSACTIONS AT ALL! In 2019? I can't believe it. Everything from the weapons to the armor customization is earned the old fashioned way, so if you see someone with that 60,000-gold plume helmet, they're probably going to kick your ass and add you to their already gigantic kill count.

-Speaking of armor customization, there is an insane amount of it. Options for armor types, and then for armor sub types, metal tints, weapon skins, blade replacements, pommels, handles, gloves, symbols, you name it- it's there. Much of it is unlocked by level and with the gold you earn after every match (which is pretty generous to begin with, but there's just SO MUCH to spend the damn gold on.)

-There's plenty of stuff to do aside from sword swinging: There are sapper/engineer classes that interact with map elements, able to built up fortifications around points you cap and useful things for your team (This game's engineer is a lot like TF2's, complete with a placable toolbox and a.. building crossbow turret.. that you hit with a hammer... to speed up the building of... yeah. Erectin' a crossbow!), there's also medic bags, bear traps, etc.

-It's also really funny. A large taunts/emotes suite and customizable voices/characters make for some pretty large memes, especially the dances, lute playing, etc.

-Responsive devs who understand the kind of fun the players are looking for. Self explanatory, they actually play the game.

The Cons:

-No team balance: People join a random team, and have absolutely no idea how to play this game aside from "find an enemy already fighting one of your teammates and pile on", occasionally leads to whichever team that happens to have the most organized/skilled players stomping heads. It's usually not too bad, as even when you're winning you still have to get in there and risk getting killed to advance the objective.

-Connectivity/servers: The devs who made this game really didn't expect it to be so popular so quickly, and this shows occasionally- but they are working on it. There are indeed moments of "how tf did that hit me- LAG!" and such, but if you pick a server region near you (!) then this is less of an issue.

-Vehicles/Interactables: Seeing as the power of horses, mounted catapults/ballistae is largely unchecked, the only counterplay is to storm the area/bowl over the users with numbers. These also often end up damaging your own team when used by inexperienced players, which is annoying.

-Little to no user moderation: There is no report option in player management, which means bad actors go unpunished a lot of the time. There IS a vote kick option, but it's hard to access and for a while was usable against players on the enemy team. Everyone complains about stuff like toxic chat text or racist children, but i haven't seen it as much as reading the other reviews would suggest. Some better community management would be nice to help address this.

-The Frontline mode is great, as are 1v1/duel servers found in the server browser, but the Horde and BR modes seem less fleshed out and could use some improvements and additional balancing.

-A more thorough tutorial would be nice, especially on team play. A big element of this game is the damage arc of swung two handed axe and sword weapons- you will hit your teammates on the backswing or who are standing near your target if you aren't careful. This happens a lot.
And your team hits you, because for some reason the blood splatter in this game that is a visual for damage, makes you look like the Red team even when on Blue. Yeah. I know. This is mostly due to players being new or bad, but it can certainly be improved.


-Easy to learn, hard to master
-Plays good
-Runs good
-Keeps you playing
-Fun with or without friends

I'd say this game is well worth the purchase price, and probably the best middle ages combat game out there.
Posted 19 May, 2019. Last edited 19 May, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
615.0 hrs on record (385.0 hrs at review time)
The gameplay is fantastic, free, and probably the best flight sim on steam, but the expensive price of vechicles within the game economy and grind make anything but the lower tiers a chore to get to. Which, are still fun, but you're only playing the bottom 1/3rd of the game.

Another classic example of a greedy business model driving down player counts in an otherwise perfectly good game, shades of runescape, etc.

Best biplanes simulator 2017. EDIT: They added boats and helicopters, which are all fine and dandy but the price of repairs are still far too high at the top tiers.

TL;DR the game is actually fun, but it is impossible to play without paying if you want to play anything more advanced than vintage warbirds.
Posted 17 November, 2017. Last edited 5 June, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
94.4 hrs on record
Hey valve, maybe you should fix TF2 yeah?
(my review for this game was also negative, which still stands)
Posted 3 January, 2015. Last edited 5 June, 2024.
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33.1 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Another classic game we remember from a previous age, left for dead 2 is a timeless classic.
Posted 29 September, 2014.
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2.9 hrs on record
What can i say? We all played this game on the console, and even though the steam port is a little buggy at times, it's still the game we all remember and love.
Posted 29 September, 2014.
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188 people found this review helpful
10,854.9 hrs on record (5,815.8 hrs at review time)
-Updating my review for the jungle update,

The Good-

✓ Casual experience updated with ranks, UI improvements, graphics, all sorts of good stuff found in modern games,

✓ Still a great game, skill based aim/movement, and old school team shooter gameplay that never gets tired,

✓ Abusrd amounts of customization in loadouts and appearence, you can really make a class and how you play it your own,

✓ Diverse and great community, art/cosplay, community competitive scene with casting and prizes, and a great team game for organized play,

The not so good-

X Developed by Valve, so spotty-to-nonexistant dev communication/support at times

X Matchmaking was overhauled, but a few relics from 2008 need to be eliminated like random crits and outdated map/weapon design still create stalemates in casual, but not game breaking ones.

X More community moderation/tools would be nice, as immature memeing and hateful toxicity hurts the user experience, although this is a problem in most popular games *port these tools over from CSGO please*


All in all, 9/10, the good massively outweighs the bad, and you should definately play this game, as there's years worth of content to enjoy, and even more to master- FOR FREE
Posted 19 March, 2014. Last edited 17 November, 2017.
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