過去 2 週間: 5.7 時間 / 総プレイ時間:862.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:120.0時間)
投稿日: 2021年7月30日 21時21分

Do you like Left 4 Dead, Vermintide, Payday, Minecraft, and other games like them?

This is better. Buy it.

Get thrown into missions in caverns in a giant hollow asteroid full of bugs that attack like you're in Starship Troopers. Complete the objectives and survive in a group of 4 with classes consisting of the Scout (has a grappling hook, and a flaregun that lights up the entire cavernn for your group), the Gunner (also has a grapple hook that isn't as good but other players can use, as well as shield domes), the Engineer (has a turret, but can also provide platforms attached to walls that other players can use to get to the tops of caverns, use as stairways, or bypass hazards), and the Driller (has drills that can immediately go through ground and scenery like butter in any direction). All four can use a pickax to dig for resources, use as a melee weapon, or slowly dig through rock. They also have unlimited small flares.

Great progression, great gunplay, even a few scares when you realize that while you were mining gold your group moved onnahead and suddenly the entire cavern on all surfaces is covered in bug monsters snarling at you as they advance.
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