Ragna Wulf
Gauteng, South Africa
In days of yore, where glory dwells,
I, a stalwart soul, proclaim my tale,
For honor, dignity, and pride I stand,
With equal measure, love at my command.

In endless battles, life's strife I face,
Seeking victories with unwavering grace,
For friends and family, dear and true,
I'll shield and cherish, my devotion anew.

For life's crusade and love's embrace,
Intertwined they are, their paths we trace,
No man should wander in solitude's fray,
Love's absence leaves him astray.

For in the tapestry of fate's design,
To be unloved, one's essence malign,
A lost cause in battles fought,
A soul adrift, its worth naught.

Thus, I vow to fight, to protect and care,
To cherish love, a bond beyond compare,
For in this realm where battles throng,
Life's fight and love's triumph shall belong.
Inspired by ShakeSpeare
~Ragna Wulf~