Spock of Vulcan
Starfleet Officer #S 179-276 SP

Current Status: Presumed Deceased
Currently Offline
Mr. Spock's Career Highlights
Joined Starfleet as its first Vulcan in 2249
Commissioned as Starfleet Officer #S 179-276 SP in 2250
Assigned to USS Enterprise as Science Officer under Captain Christopher Pike in 2254
Promoted to First Officer of USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk in 2265
Took leave of Starfleet to undergo the Vulcan kolinahr ritual training in 2270
Resumed Starfleet career in 2271
Promoted to Captain and assigned to Starfleet Academy to oversee cadet training in 2277
Killed in action aboard the USS Enterprise in 2285
Body reborn by Genesis radiation and katra re-integrated in 2285
Chosen as Federation special envoy to the "Gorkon Initiative" in 2293
Semi-retirement as acting Federation Ambassador in 2299
Attempted Romulan-Vulcan reunification in 2368
Missing in action following the destruction of Romulus in 2387

*edit 3/1/15*

Alternate universe Spock sometimes known as Leonard Nimoy passed into the Nexus during the afternoon of Feb. 27th, 2015 at the age of 83 due to complications resulting from COPD. Requiescat in Pace.


Games completed 100%

Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Faery - Legends of Avalon
Fallout: New Vegas
Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013
Magic 2014
Monster Loves You
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Artwork Showcase
14 2
Screenshot Showcase
Aesthetics. Looking good.
14 5 1
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Review Showcase
If you meet the following criteria, you will possibly enjoy this game:

1) You paid $5 or less for this.
2) You only bought it for the single player campaign.
3) You can overlook that the game did not meet its launch expectations.
4) You are a fan of the Aliens franchise.
5) As a fan of the franchise you can overlook many of the implausible settings the game uses.

If you can pass all that, then you have a chance at enjoyment.


The game is basically sticking you in the role of a Colonial Marine and having you retread the sights of LV-426. You'll walk the halls of the U.S.S Sulaco, you will land at Hadley's Hope, you will explore Operations and in the end you will even visit the Engineer ship where the franchise began.

Each area is pretty much a giant easter egg filled with tiny easter eggs. You'll stumble over the spent sentry guns from the Aliens director's cut, one still containing 10 rounds. You'll find the room where Burke, Carter J. met his cowardly end. The medical bay where Ripley and Newt were attacked by face-huggers is here as well, with overturned beds and bullet-shattered glass. While crawling through the sewers you can even find the head of Newt's doll that we last saw floating sadly on the water.

That said, a lot of plausibility of those easter eggs was sacrificed in the name of coolness. Sure, it's cool to pick up Hicks' shotgun but why is "No Fate" carved into it? Sure I get it, same actor but why would Dwayne Hicks scratch that on his darling for close encounters?

As far as the gameplay itself goes, it is clunky but passable. You will either overlook it because you like Aliens that much or you will turn the game off after 5 minutes. Or perhaps you will do both - I myself played for 5 minutes before putting it down for a year. When I played it again I beat it all the way through just out of curiosity. Found myself slightly entertained though, I admit, more by the settings and the little things than the actual story.

On that note, the story - if you have played an Aliens game or watched an Aliens movie than you know the story already. Weyland-Utani are bad guys, they want the alien and will stop at nothing to do their experiments. Nothing new here.

This is basically a game for fans of Aliens who can also overlook the disrespect towards that very movie's canon, shown over and over again via easter eggs. If you fit the bill than I recommend this title to you!
ashius_khan 7 Oct, 2013 @ 10:26am 
Sometimes it just doesnt pay to be nice
DireWolf 26 Nov, 2012 @ 5:34pm