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Análises recentes de Orion

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3.3 hrs em registo (2.4 horas no momento da análise)
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The progression is wayyyy to slow so the game is super grindy. I understand that it's a rogue-like, but I shouldn't have to fail the same mission ten times to get enough coins to afford one more upgrade. Has potential, but it's just not fun right now. I'll forget about it and come back in a few months probably.
Publicado a 30 de Dezembro de 2024.
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8.3 hrs em registo
...what everyone else already said
Publicado a 15 de Março de 2024.
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0.1 hrs em registo
Basically, no planets in space would render. Also, listing Valve Index under supported headsets is extremely disingenuous, as the controls were clearly not optimized in any way for the Index. Refund requested.
Publicado a 8 de Outubro de 2019.
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18 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
14.3 hrs em registo (7.0 horas no momento da análise)
Fun game, but I would be very upset if I paid the full $24 for this thing. I paid 12, but I'd say would be alright for a $7 game. It's too short to be any more. After 6 hours, I have beat the game and got all 24 achievements. There are a handful of in game mechanics that I would love to see in a longer, full scale RPG. When it actually works, you can barter with the shopkeep by saying the gold you want to offer out loud. That's the coolest concept! There's also something really awesome and satisfying about heating a sword in some hot coals, whacking it with a hammer over an anvil and sharpening it over a sharpening stone thingy. The characters are a little goofy but the visuals are great.

As it is though, this game really just plays out as a proof of concept. Some of the mechanics, as cool as they are, are extremely basic and barely present in the game, such as alchemy and fishing.
The story is there, but pretty shallow. There's no point in collecting or buying anything, except for the achievements. In the end, you're given what's basically the Master Sword, and then you defeat Agahnim from Zelda: Link to the Past.

Still worth a look. I just hope the developers expand on it. Don't buy it for anything more than half off the 24 bucks.
Publicado a 8 de Outubro de 2019. Última alteração: 8 de Outubro de 2019.
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4,687.3 hrs em registo (4,381.7 horas no momento da análise)
I seriously hate this game
Publicado a 25 de Julho de 2019.
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4.1 hrs em registo
Gameplay is fun for a bit, but gets pretty old pretty fast. I was looking forward to using a joystick, however, this is pretty much directly ported over from console, and you can't modify your controls whatsoever except for a few preset layouts on a gamepad. The story and dialog is shallow and just plain awful... Lot's of bloviated, manufactured intensity over completely uninteresting nothingness. Is this the kinda ♥♥♥♥ that weebs put up with all the time with anime? No wonder why they're all a bunch of cringey ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. If you do buy it, here's a fun drinking game: Wait for a few missions in and take a shot every time you hear "solitary" or something synonymous with "paying for your crimes." Trust me, you'll laugh when you see what I'm talking about, then die of alcohol poisoning. 5/10 wish I woulda passed or at least waited for sale.
Publicado a 15 de Junho de 2019.
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0.1 hrs em registo
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Unplayable due to mouse issues which are apparently rather common. Tried a few of the common fixes to no avail. I shouldn't have to troubleshoot basic functions like my mouse after paying for a game.
Publicado a 30 de Março de 2019.
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1,398.0 hrs em registo (549.8 horas no momento da análise)
Don't buy it.... yet. So much potential completely ruined by a non-functional UI and bugs. Is it bugged, or are you just not allowed to do that? Who knows! Why is everything grayed out when it wasn't two seconds ago? Why does it say that I can't do that but never tells me why? Why does my game keep crashing when I don't have problems on any other game? I currently cannot progress because I can't assign a manager to my PHQ(player headquarters). After docking dozens of NPCs at the PHQ to try and get them to be the manager, the game just says that they aren't allowed to work there. When the Reddit page for your game is nothing but people asking "how do I do this and that?" you have a problem. The tutorial is worthless, and much of the game isn't learned through the main quest. Wait until they have a massive overhaul of the UI and patch out a lot of bugs before buying.

Update: Yep. 260 hours in(handful of that was AFK to be fair), and I'm still unable to progress in the main quest. My main factory that I've poured at least 100mil into, a few days of credits, is now glitched out and I cannot transfer the station wallet to my own. For some reason, every factory has their own wallet that you have to manually transfer funds from into your main wallet, instead of just going into your wallet automatically to begin with. Why? Anyway, when I attempt to move the slider to transfer funds, my game locks up.
The largest class freighter in the game that I also took a while to save up for is set to autotrade, and will just fly to a station and sit there for days(waste of 10mil.)
Other freighters on auto trade with like 10,000m3 of cargo space, will often only buy like 160m3 of goods before setting off. Sure glad I paid for the larger freighters.
Two factories that I constructed show up on the information panel on the side of the map, but dont actually exist physically in space, so I can't go to or use them in any way.
These are just a few main examples of the bugs I've experienced in game. I'm trying not to make this more of a novel than it already is.
Ship options are limited. They are dull and uninspired. The differences in ships within their class are often the matter of a few m3 of storage and a few credits... nothing substantially different or specialized.
Gameplay is shallow and NPCs are worthless. I've probably killed a few dozen enemy ships with my ship sitting perfectly still, with one hand on my controls, and the other shoving spoonfulls of Rice Krispy Treat cereal in my mouth.
Basically, I paid full price for a beta. It's very upsetting that any developer would release a game in this state. It looks like they've been very active in fixing bugs and coming out with updates. I might just wait for an expansion pack down the road to try it again.

400some hours update: I started a new game after several developer patches and it's still no good. Most of my decision making in this game is based off of trying to guess how the terrible AI will handle my decision, and never really finding the answer. The UI is still bad and glitchy. I've managed to build a couple more stations, spending multiple days worth of credits on construction, only for them to not actually exist in space. When I go to make a new plot, the whole map overlay disappears, and I have to guess where I'm clicking in space to make the plot. I attempted to purchase a maxed out large freighter from a wharf, but it's been sitting in the construction que for an entire day now, and I can't get my money back. The game should still be in Alpha.
Publicado a 8 de Dezembro de 2018. Última alteração: 20 de Fevereiro de 2019.
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