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Yayınlanma: 15 Mar 2021 @ 16:25

One of the last of the "Old School" MMO style of grinding for hours and hours with the goal being a very slight increase in gear provided stats. OSRS is Runescape circa 2007, updated by passionate devs, and polled before an even more passionate player-base. There is a lot of good in this game, even more nostalgia, and some bad.

The good:
Runescape is an MMO where one character can do everything. Unlike more modern MMOs, a single character can do ranging, magic, and melee all at the switch of equipment. The non-combat related skills can also all be done on a single character, everything from Herblore to Runecrafting can be achieved with a single character.

The mobile client is 100% tied to the account and there is no difference in version between them. IF you need to take a dump, you can just log in on mobile and keep the grind alive.

The devs poll a very large amount of potential changes before implementing them. They don't do it for all of them, but when they don't it is generally for a very good reason. The new/revised content they put out is generally really fun, but also lucrative. The polls are not basic "should we add this" but rather goes really into detail asking questions like "If this were to pass, should this item that would also need to pass a poll be rechargable, or should it destroy itself after charges?"

Runescape is a game where you can set a small goal for yourself, work your way to it, and then repeat once you have done it. Even after getting all stats to the maximum, there is still things to go for, be it the quest cape, achievement diaries, or rare drops. There is almost always something to be working towards.

The OSRS Wiki is hands down the best video game wiki I have ever used. It has detailed information on just about everything in the game, and they actively work with the devs when new content releases to be up-to-date and accurate.

The Nostalgic:
The graphics are very 2007, and outside of a couple instances, they have intentionally been kept that way. This is something really enjoyable for people who played Runescape back in the heyday of 6th Grade, but if that isn't you, the graphics are likely off-putting.

Everything you remember doing is there to enjoy again, everything from killing goblins and cows outside of Lumbridge to having that sweet dragon armor to the memorable quest. But if you don't have these memories, some of the charm that players talk about might be lost on you. Memes like The Falador Massacre of 6/6/06 mean nothing due to lack of context, and while you can watch a video about that, there isn't a video that captures the fun of killing cows with your friends.

The Bad:
Jagex is very bad when it comes to customer service. The whole thing is a joke in the OSRS community, and likely the whole of the runescape community. There are even a few instances of them completely ignoring people while bending over backwards for streamers. I understand support content creators, but they have gone as far to unban an account that a streamer had, whom he let a friend play on (against the ToS) and whom the friend botted on (against the ToS).

Account security is really something to be desired, still... Jagex have added the option for 2FA and you can put a PIN on your Bank Account. But passwords are still not case sensitive. At least once a month I see reports of players who got hacked, even with these measures in place.

Many players in this game are in a clan chat or use private chat to talk with friends. Many players also seem to play with the general chat muted. This can make it hard as a new player whom has no friends playing. While it may seem quiet, finding and joining a clan makes the game much better. Most of the clan chats I have been in are filled with friendly people just shooting the ♥♥♥♥ and are always willing to give advice or help other players out.

I think this game is a solid 8/10. I like to pick it up and play it for a few hours here and there. The end game content I have played has been a lot of fun. The nostalgia kicks in at fun times. And the draw of making, and then finishing, small goals is always appealing.

Side Note:
If you want to upgrade to membership, do it through Jagex's website and not through steam. I have heard from a friend that going through steam is kind of difficult.
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