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2 people found this review helpful
16.1 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
gros problemes de fps pendant les travelings, qund il y a plus de deux monstres dans les combats.......le 60 fps n'esperez meme pas. pas fluide pour un sou, et la traduction francaise est totalement aux fraises. "les hussards" au lieu des dragoons d'acacia? vous savez des gens qui chevauchent des dragons quoi? cayenne et anselme au lieu de solt and peppor?
les decors lisses.....avec un immonde filtre floutant, non non ca c'est pas l'IA du moguri mod et de ff7 SYW...la c'est juste ignoble.
mention a nobuteru yuuki pour avoir rajoute quelques artworks, et aussi au artworks des persos remis a neuf.

le reste, emulez le avec le patch fr. c'est une honte.
Posted 8 April, 2022.
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120.1 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
cant join session
cant join session
cant join session
cant join session
if you can go past that 3/4 tries, it's a good mh.
the best monster makes it's return! mhfu hitboxes ._.
Posted 31 January, 2022.
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120.8 hrs on record (72.7 hrs at review time)
72h, meme si pas encore finis, suffisent a se faire un avis.

et c'est bon, voire meme excellent.
j'arreterai directement tout ceux qui gueulent "bou rembourser, ses les mem asset que kingmaikeur"
cette reflexion est aussi pertinente que renier new vegas a cause des assets de fallout 3.

meme pas fini, il est deja deux a trois fois plus interessant que king. je crois que c'est le crpg le plus proche de baldurs gate 2 la dessus, avec pillars.
le choix de la voie mythique et les CENTAINES de choix de dialogue
selon la race, le dieu , la voie et l'alignement sont excellents et invitent a une grosse replay value.

metion speciale a certaines voies mythiques comme la liche par exemple, et pire, ainsi qu'a des dialogues d'or tel que 'votre dieu des morts vivants vous susure que le cabalisme est encore mieux avec du miel et de la panure"

oh boy, le createur de classes le plus complet de nimporte quel crpg. ever. des milliers de possibilites de melanges de classes, race, lignages, bonus raciaux, stats, montures, enfin de quoi se perdre au moins 20h juste a essayer des trucs.
les combats sont plus equilibres que kingmaker, et certains raccourcis bienvenus (clic gauche pour le spam auto de competence) et la respec totale dispo gratuitement au camp.

la claque. je ne m'y attendais pas et je vais regulierement sur youtube ecouter les pistes des voies mythiques mentions speciales a la piste de l'aeon.

les rares defauts, des bugs de fois lors de reaction d'interface, et la croisade que je prennais plus comme une contrainte, heureusement on peut la mettre en auto et on en parle plus.

je n achete que 3 a 4 jeux par an. meme plein pot il vaut son prix. foncez!
Posted 26 October, 2021.
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6.3 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
j'aimerais donner une review positive, (les jeu de base est excellent, l'un de mes jeux de mechas preferes et je les collectionne) mais je jugerais ici la qualité du portage. si on ne compte pas la vr,
un emulateur PS2 sortirait la meme chose. le scaling hd est certes propre, mais:
-pas de voix ♥♥♥, juste les immondes doublages US
-toutes les scenes avec des ralentis degoutants vu qu'elles n'etaient pas prevues pour le 60 fps
-des freezes de 3 secondes toutes les 5 minutes.

j'ai cru voir qu'il y avait d'autres soucis. je n'ai rien contre une bonne reedition HD,
mais il serait peut etre temps que konami bouge son gros cul et propose des vraies suites a ses liscences
plutot que de continuer a exploiter des cadavres.

heuresement la team suiko nous fait eiyuuden, y'aura peut etre des gens chez kojima pour nous pondre "enders of the zone"
Posted 29 August, 2020.
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63.8 hrs on record (42.8 hrs at review time)
Absolver is a game i came to love very much, and is really worth a good play.

-graphical style is soothing and beautiful, pastel colr and landscapes are breathtaking sometimes.
-the characters controls are fluid and responsive
-a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of dropable or buyable cosmetics to look unique, and they got an unique style somewhere between jade cocoon and mononoke
-the combat system is just a joy, sandboxy as hell, you counter/block moves to learn them, and they are hundreds,
you make your own combos, and playstyle
-coop and multiplayer aspect is seamless and one of the best and easy to start i've seen, coop with 2 friends is advised.
-moves and animation have so much weight behind them, it's just so good to send people flying with a violent facefist.
-the community has gone from super toxic to helping and nice, 95% of the players dont attack on sight, help you against npcs, etc etc
-two real fighting styles, puch and swords
-the downfall mode who expands pve greatly

-abandoned game by the devs (shame, so much potential)
-the lore seems real good but limited to signs or what you see in items descriptions. seeing what they made on the website
, we only got like 30% of the lore world to explore, there is no big cities, and the game could have been a prologue to an immense adventure, on par with what warframe has become.
-the map is wide, but feels restrictive after some time
-the boss difficulty has dropped a lot, removing a part of the initial challenge
-some social emotes are not avaible at start, and they are the most useful to have (like saying hi)
-combat is hard to master (can scare some people)
-you fight only humans

i you want to like this game, think of it as an ethnic fighting game taking place in a biig arena few kilometers wide where you can fight how you want, where you want. the hud is minimalistic, and the game is part contemplative.
anyways, it feels so good to bash head, and the mask ideas are so good i bought the collector online.
-buy it on sale, the game isnt worth 30$, it would be with more content, but still, get il on sale.
Posted 8 April, 2020. Last edited 8 April, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
i want to love this game, great pixel art, nice gameplay, seen friends after the tuto roam the open world........
but the rng in the tuto is frustrating, i've lost my time reruning 3 floors cause the autosave is once in a blue moon and if you open those doors with 3 mobs, one summoner and his golem, it's game over, redo the same 3 floors.
Posted 15 March, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
9.1 hrs on record
jeu sans ame, sans distinction et sans aucune exitation. si vous aimez les TES restez sur les solo, tout ce qui est positif dans les ejux solo est absent de celui ci.
Posted 8 June, 2019.
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13.2 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
worshop mods works 1/2 times when you boot the games, feels like a lottery.
the game has a digusting bloom the original didnt had.

buy the old one and play with hamachi.
Posted 24 May, 2019.
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684.5 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
*its a reedit of my previous evalution*

if you are playing solo, or can bypass the connexion or lost items bugs in multi, the game a enormous potential. its what two worlds could have been with craft, survival, souls like combat and no level up system. we are having a blast going trought dugeons with 2 players, ennemies are tought, travels are ripe with events, illness, loot. some things need correction (cant poison my dagger, as i dont use a sword in my main hand, dagger slash with large dagger is enough) puting a map who progress with you in dungeons is really needed, as they are labyrinths (adventurers mark their way!) mounts could help the travels, and many bugs big or not need patches (still mad i missed a free fire seal spell just beacause i said "later" to the mage)
Posted 1 April, 2019. Last edited 3 April, 2019.
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44.6 hrs on record (25.2 hrs at review time)
okay so telling in advance:
i'm more biased toward a mixed review. don't misunderstand it's a good soulcalibur, maybe the best after 3 and 2.

most of my playtime is solo on libra, the mode i most anticipated.

-beautiful graphics.
-the movesets feels lighter and improved (especially siegfried and nightmare)
-the creation is quite good with the textures and sticker making it deeper.
-they have gone back in time, erasing all the aberation of SC5.
-libra promise more than dozens of solo time hours
-weapons looks good
-the backgrounds are beautiful
-the reversal and critical edge system is flawlessly implemented and feels natural to use.
-the Y reversal of astaroth in an open arena (believe me)
-the musics are good-ish and many are remixes of soul blade and other games.

-the mercenary system is useless and annoying, you cant even create your mercenaries like in 3,
you can only rent others players vatars only for 1 battle and they are cpu controlled. slow and stupid.
in 3 the creation system of chronicles pertmited to play some crouch coop campaign passing the controller between friend when their character was fighting....
-with 3 heavy lance out of the way,and hilde fighting style not there, i miss my favorites styles.
no hwang or yun seong too. no rock either. i still miss the 20+ unique styles of 3, even when some were just jokes.
-groh just looks like a edgy goth 13yo kid who thinks he is cool.
-libra of souls has been written by some ln of fanfic author. like a 16yo writter. (or when you save a merchant from bandit for the 6th time in 1h)
-choices of alignement dont seem to influence much expect for some weapons boosts. the choices happens very rarely.
-some of the weapons have ghost range (cervantes) where some big ones have false range, going trought ennemies without touching (astaroth).
-many musics remixes seems muffled in the background, and are not as clear and epic as soul blade ones.
-the biggest problem i have. nearly all the armors are available at the start (exept the stupid cats suits and horse head....). no unlocking like 3, which gave you a feeling like an rpg where you look better/stronger with time. between that and mercenaries, there is little need to spend any money in the game exept at the forge.the mod libra of souls just gives your progression random stated wepons with 5 skins chosen at random. and the stat gain is just hp.
remember 3? where there were lots of classes, different stats gains, weapons with special affixes who changed your way of playing? 15 pieces of armor unlocked after EVERY chronicle map? it just feels cheap.

-3 characters annonced as dlc with more armor. DLCS. yes everyone do them. no its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, ESPECIALLY WHEN ONE CHARACTER IS A DLC AT LAUNCH. not like they needed more time they just try to squeeze more money.

well, it dont go better than 3 and 2 (3 was the perfect soulcalibur for me)
but it gives hope and IS a good game, with his flaws.
Posted 19 October, 2018. Last edited 21 October, 2018.
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