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1 person found this review helpful
43.8 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Magic Duels is simply Magic: The Gathering(MTG) Digital version. Plays exactly as MTG and is good for those who those who have never played MTG before since it teaches you how to play or you just want to play with a friend who is too far away to play the actual physical card game. It also gives you ingame currency for beating opponents in single player duels, PvP duels, and for completing the Story duels, which at the end of each story, players are given cards and currency too as a reward. The cards rewarded are of good quantity so its a good way to build your collection starting off. You can also buy ingame money using real money to buy card packs if you have an extra few bucks to spare or just want to build your collection faster so you can make more decks and yes you can make your own decks all of which you can name and give a cover image. It also comes with a deck building helper system that can pretty much build a deck for you with a little influence from you in the building process.
Overall its, as I mentioned before, a digital version of MTG exactly as is plays. It does a good job explaining how the game works and so is friendly to new comers. It has a good setup for aquiring cards and currency. Its deck building system works well and comes with an optional deck building helper system as well. I recommend this [card] game.
Posted 27 July, 2016.
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35.5 hrs on record
Borderlands is a good Role-playing FPS containing somewhat basic storyline, arcady combat, and a cartoonish graphic style. The game's story isnt very long taking players sround 10 hours more or less to beat alone including side quest and even then the player wont be at the top level leaving players wanting to go another playthough and obtain better weapons/equipment.The game has limitless amount of guns by the way. Players play one of four classes/characters and through leveling the player can unlock points to spend to improve their character in ways such as improved health, increased weapon damage, etc and unlock small abilities such as shooting your teamates to heal em'. Each class has a class specific ability. Players can play alone or 4 player co-op/versus and co-op is where this game shines. Playing with 3 friends is entertaining because enemies get harder with more players present and better loot is dropped. Players can fight each other too, in arenas or by 1v1 duals anywhere.
Posted 23 August, 2012. Last edited 10 December, 2013.
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92.6 hrs on record (89.8 hrs at review time)
Pretty balanced weaponry/gadgets and easy to use SMART system which is used for hopping walls, sliding, etc and requires teamwork with the use of 4 classes similar to Team Fortress 2(Soldier, Medic, Engineer, Operative) to win. The story is basic with 2 factions opposing each other though neither are shown to be "evil" and can be played with 7 other players. Its adversarial modes and customization are where Brink shines with players able to change the appearance of his/her character(s), customize his/her weapons with multiple attachments which both are unlocked through completion of obstacle courses, and level up to unlock many abilities in each class catagory. Overall Brink is a decent game and is fun to play with/against others.
Posted 23 August, 2012.
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53.2 hrs on record (50.0 hrs at review time)
In this game you will become the master of vents, a killer looking for a fight, or maby you like to sit back and take down opponenets from afar. In this prequel to the hit-classic Deus Ex you will be able to make Adam Jenson, the mian character, fit your play style. The game also features a decent story about a conspiracy Adam unravels. I recommendthis game.
Posted 16 August, 2012.
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1 person found this review helpful
93.3 hrs on record (51.1 hrs at review time)
Great story, in-depth characters, tactical gameplay, and loads of content. The spiritual sucessor to Baldur's Gate is a must buy for fans of Bioware and the role-playing genre. Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition will have you sitting for days working to play through all the content.
Posted 16 August, 2012. Last edited 10 December, 2013.
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