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Important information down below

Roadkills: 1x Deer (+1 Deer hit'n' run), 3x Rat (+1 Rat kill assist), 10x Rabbit (+1 kill assist), 1x Pigeon, 1x Hedgehog, 1x Some Bird, 1x Black Mazda

Kills: 1x Rat (hand-to-hand CQC), 1x Rat (shotgun buttstock to the neck)

26.09.2020 5:08 - R.I.P Hannes

"What you don't know" the legend goes "can't hurt you"
If you only want to live and die in a cage
There's panic and there's chaos rampant in the streets
Where useless thoughts of peace are met with rage
Demoralized and overmastered people think
The quickest way to end a war is lose
Dictatorship ends starting with tyrannicide
You must destroy the cancer at its root

No vital sign of life, they declared it wasn't there
Coroner never checked because he didn’t ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ care
Passing off the body, they all believed he died
Starting up the hearse now for a final drive
Like whistling passed a graveyard when walking by at night
It's a fatal illusion to think that evil ever dies

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings

Easy prey, so innocent
She barely was a teen
Hooked up with mr. right now
A nightmare that stole her dreams
Complications come
The doctor says you gotta know
You decide if the baby lives
But one of you has got to go

One day you will face me - and see the terror trapped inside...
Final retribution - torture and pure punishment...
Vengeance running so deep - a dungeon of agony awaits...
Fear not as death surrounds you - B1tch all you want, but here it comes...
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let's play again
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+rep formidable player, strategic thinker, let's outsmart our opponents
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+rep good player
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+rep pretty good player
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+rep very funny and friendly guy and also a good player :warlord:
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+rep cool and funny man good player too