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Recente recensies door Joe-Shawn

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25.4 uur in totaal (9.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Here's a tough one, The game is great its lots of fun, the concept is awesome, the visuals are fantastic even for a game its age. but its plagued by ubisoft, I cannot get this game to launch consistently. I have tried ever single fix under the sun, googling for fixes will render you with others with the same problem but no solution.

there is no error, the game just doesn't launch, this is the ONLY game out of hundreds that I own that does this, I have resorted to just outright leaving my PC on when I can get the game to launch just so I can get to it when I can get to it.

If you do buy it I hope you get to actually play it because when you can its great, lots of fun.
Geplaatst 2 maart.
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1,185.9 uur in totaal (1,177.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Old habits die hard, this game was abusive, frustrating, and annoying, yet we still come back to this to end our days angry and upset.

and ace feels like crack, and opening a expensive item from a crate feels like crack laced with fent.
Geplaatst 28 november 2024.
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26.0 uur in totaal (25.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
25 hours later and lets start with the bad, there isn't "ALOT" in this game after about 10 hours the rooms start to repeat but they don't exactly lose their charm because you're still sorta learning the game around this time so you don't have much time looking around.

there is a fair amount of weapons "barrels" in this game, and a fair amount of connectors to make your own weapons and a slightly larger amount of weapon enhancement attachments "Caps" to improve certain shortcomings of certain weapons or just outright improve all the stats of the weapon. there are I three tiers of weapons/caps in this game "blue" being your commonly found weapons/caps, "purple" being your rare items and "yellow" being your super rare items.

now something to note about this game is what you take with you into a raid CAN be lost if you die during that raid, everything you buy during a raid can also be lost if you die during the raid also, and obviously if you survive the raid you take everything you brought and purchased with you including the end of raid rewards, but there is a little net for you if you are worried about bringing your best items into a raid, the coins you collect after a raid can be used to buyback your items lost during a raid at a more inflated price or a cheaper price depending on the item rarity, so theres always a chance to get your favorite items back.

as for the combat its actually lots of fun, and although repetitive its so hectic that you don't really notice, and each robot that you fight has the "right" weapon to use one or tactic, some robots do have an annoying design in terms of how they fight and how small their hit-boxes are (gnats) so if you use high alpha slow DPM weapons you'll likely just hate these robots, but the combat in general is great.

the game runs smooth however in some of the most hectic rooms with the most robots the game will drop frames, but as you go killing more bots the frames come right back to normal. I only had one crash in the 25 hours of play, and I don't think I had a single glitch which today in 2021 is honestly just dumbfounding.

this game is great buy and if you're looking for something to keep you busy while also giving you goals of getting rare items while also not being too easy, this is the game for you. I wish the developers didn't do some sort of DLC that would have added more rooms and more items to be got for more fun, I would have gladly paid for it, but the base game is enough for now and I've still got lots to go before I collect all the super rare items.
Geplaatst 31 mei 2021.
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9.5 uur in totaal
Honestly just a great game to just turn off your brain an smash demons, a basic story sprinkled throughout the whole game to keep you on track on why you're smashing demons, smooth eye catching game even though it was made in 2016.

wasn't really bored with it at all, and the solid 9 hour single player story made it worth the money, so should you buy it? or would I recommend it? Yeah sure, its a great game with no BS.
Geplaatst 10 mei 2020.
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147.5 uur in totaal (131.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Lots of spam, some weapons are blatantly overpowered, but there are ways to counter them so its possible to ignore the issues. The game is super competitive so if that's your speed this game is right up your alley, its a rough clone of super smash but its just far enough to make it it's own game and have its own lane. It over all is a great game and if you like challenges than you'll like Brawlhalla.
Geplaatst 5 juli 2019.
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35.3 uur in totaal (14.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is one of those games that must be played, I know it sounds cliche but it's honestly true!

Now let's begin. The graphics at first sight coming from a player that plays mostly "FPS's" and generally graphics heavy games, This game reminds you that graphics isn't the main reason to play a game. Now from what I am saying You would think that I am saying that this game has bad graphics. Because this game does not follow that ruling at all. This game could never be evaluated at all by the graphics it provides. However it can be review on it's "Theme" or "Artwork" and this game passes both of those with beautiful flying colors. The 8Bit artwork looks amazing! I personally loved the futuristic artwork, It is extreamly appealing to see a bundle of fancy thing's made up from the developer's imagination. The artwork really flows easily, So it really doesn't put too much strain on the computer.

Now we move on to gameplay. This is honestly the core of the game and within the first startup I hated the controls. I was absolutely devastated to feel the controls, Although I would enjoy the battles on screen and the pretty explosions, I would still think about the controls in the back of my mind, And it bothered and bothered me until, My silly self had a poke at the settings, And I descovered something that is forgotted in the games I have been playing, fully customizable controls. That allowed me to really focus on the gameplay.

And man wasn't it just absolutely amazing, I had a blast playing this game it is truly one of those reliable games, What I mean is when you feel like you have no games to play even though you have a large games libary, The second you play this game you becomed glued to the screen, I was having soo much fun playing this game that when I was fighting a boss I was actually panicking and not the bad panicking that frustrates you and makes you angry, It was the feeling where you're actually being challenged. The attacks are smooth an actually useful, And they are made in a way where if you learn how to "Combo" them in such a way they can be devastating to the NPC's or bosses that you come across. Being that the game is flat and 8bit this game puts little to no strain on your Battle-proven Beast, Or even that potato laptop that you got back in 1996. The monsters are actually challenging and fun to fight. Now don't think that you can sit in one level grinding that level forever getting loot. Nope they killed that, Now the longer you stay in a level the harder it gets. Seriously man it gets very hard!

With this game being in the future you can have some super wacky and over all random items and "Powerups" You can have the most random, Fun things in the game, Just like the power of the "Bouncing Brain" This thing does tons of damage to mobs that happen to walk into it's bounce of doom. That is just one of the many wacky items in the game. To make things even better each and every item has a description and a story behind it. So after you have played a few hours of the game. You can go back to the main menue and get lost in the descriptions behind your favorite loot. To make items in this game just perfect, All the pasive loot stacks, and you would think this could get overpowered after some time right? No sorry that constant difficulty advancement makes it hard, And to make sure even if you still manage to kill them all there's is only a set amount of loot placed on the level.

Multiplay/Online play
Multiplayer really is the only thing that I can say needs improvement, It seems like this game wasn't really made for multiplayer, more like an add-on that was added along the way. Not something that was planned from the beginning. The player's don't seem to sink up well so you could have a friend stop moving on your screen and out of no-where just teleport near you. Or it could glich up, Now this happened only once while playing with my friends however it was game-breaking. Me and my friend MrCows were playing together and I had died so I was spectating my friend. Now on my screen it said the level was cleared and to move on to the teleporter to move on to the next stage. However on his screen it was telling him that two monsters where still on the level and he needed to kill them before moving on. He could never find those two monsters on the level. But with how the game is built me and him were not angry at the fact that we had to start over again. We just laughed at it and played again.

Over all I have to recommend this game. It is a beautiful game with a perfectly flowing gameplay. Sure it may have its multiplayer problems, But it's nowhere near broken and unlpayable. This game is fun and has to be a MUST HAVE!!!

RATE: 9/10
Geplaatst 23 december 2014.
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28.5 uur in totaal (12.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game may be really frustrating coming to it as a beginner, But after awhile of reflex tunning and practice. This game is really fun, The firefights can have your heart racing, Seeing a grenade thrown into the very same room you're in and scurrying out like ants gets your heart racing.

Althought this game has a long way from being perfect. for example some guns seem to be a little too expensive for small differences, Like a small damage buff, Or slightly lighter. Or the fact that Shotguns are rather hard to use or get used to
. But thats not something thats hard to look passed, Or rather get used too.

This game has an incredible amount of potential. This game is still being built apon so it will get more balenced more stable and EVEN MORE CONTENT!!

Things we can hope added are along the lines of more pistols like .44 magnums Or .50AE Desert Eagles. Aswell as more snipers rifles, Bigger scopes, Team deathmatch gamemode, More gun attachments. And maybe even official skins or offiacial redicals.

This game is for sure a game you have to try, And you cant help but support the development of this game after knowing the troubles they went through to put this out there for us. I have really high hopes for this game. And have a feeling with the right moves can be a huge AAA Title.

I hope you all have fun playing out there. And remember guys "I'm Heading to Charlie!"
Geplaatst 12 augustus 2014.
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