Kaze   Mount Clemens, Michigan, United States
Well, let's see, not much really to say, just an average gamer/brony/furry who, well, loves to play games and music. Games and music are the core of life. If I'm not playing games I'm usually drawing or attempting to work on a story that's been in the works for ages... Don't think I'll ever get around to actually finishing it.

Not into competiton, really, any sort of PvP is out ( War Thunder being acception ). Laid back, easy going and don't mind a good convertation, just please understand, if I'm in a game, there's a good chance I wont respond to your messages, nothing personal, just gaming is all.

Have a series with Raridash playing War Thunder if you feel up to watch pure retarded idiocy then feel free to watch!

Favorite Ponies: (Love all the ponies, they just take the cake)
Mane Six: Applejack
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Scootaloo
Princess: Luna
Background: Vinyl Scratch (Obviously best pony)

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Favorite Game
Rarest Achievement Showcase