Dickhead McFishflaps   Netherlands
\/ story begins in the text below \/

2007 august
i decided to meet koen, we met at a pub
"koen you have to stop stalking me, i have moved on" i said
"please" koen said
"no leave me alone" i said while i left

2007 septembur
one night i left the gaybar to go ♥♥♥♥
i felt some one was following me
i looket behind me, it was koen
i got home as quickly is i could and told axel en nils about koen
"we have to call the police"axel said
axel left the room to call the police
nils and i heard knocking on the window behind us
nils looked outside
a brick broke throught the glass and hit nils in the head
i got scared
axel entered the room and asked what happend
"nils got hit by a brick" i said
axel picked up a 46 inch dildo for self defence
koen entered the room, he had a gun in his right hand
"koen stop!" i Yelled
koen pointed the gun at axel
axel got shot in the chest
"nooo!" i cried
koen looked at me
second after the police entered the room
koen turned around holding his gun
the police shot koen 5 times in the chest

2008 january
nils and axel fully recovered from their injuries
we started to live together and continue living a normal life

2016 july
on the age of 60 i died of age and sex injuries
in the hospital i looked at nils and axel an said "you made my life the best, i will wait for you in the afterlife"
then everything got dark

2016 november
axel and nils showed up in heaven
"what happend? " i asked
"we missed you" axel and nils said
they killed them selfs for me
i ithroduced them to god
axel asked "what does god stand for?"
"Gaint Oversized ♥♥♥♥" god said

we spend the rest of our afterlifes breaking each others asses

The End
Σε παιχνίδι
My story living like a black ♥♥♥♥
My name is Tyrone Jamal Black Man ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and this is my story

i was born in amsterdam 1956 july.
my mom is a lesbian so i also have an other mom, Nicky and Ho
i never knew my dad, my mom told me she cut his ♥♥♥♥ off for entertainment.

1960 july
it was my fourth birthday.
my best friend axel showed up late on the party
"tyrone i love you" said axel and gave me a dildo
i looked at the dildo, "i love you too"
late et night me and axel got crazy experimental with the dildo.
axel told me his dad is an police officer and that we should keep our thing silend for now on.

1970 march
i am 14 years old now
axel and i are over.
i have met a new boyfriend, his name was nils
nils was asian butt his ♥♥♥♥ wass huge, 18 inches of love
on a monday axel showed up and told me he still has feeling for me
"your dad is a cop and i am black" i said
"i killed my dad for you" said axel
later that night i had a threesome with nils and axel
axels 4 inches of love was nice butt nils's 18 inches was better.
i never told axel.

1972 april
life was great
i could have all the sex i want
over the past 2 years axel got really experemental with all sorts of high tech toys
nils just stayed the same in bed

1975 july
i lived together now with axel and nils
in the morning me and nils decided to go for a walk
in the central park of amsterdam nils was taken by the russian maffia
later that night he was corfirmed dead by the police

1975 november
i still wasnt over nils, i miss him
axel told me to move on but i missed his 18 inches
axel just didnt have the power nils packed
on the 29th i left axel starting my life alone for the fist time

1979 april
one night in the pub i met menno, he was handsome and looked really good in a suit (navy bleu pinstriped)
i and menno started dating.
menno was loaded with money
he said "i can give you everything your heart desire"

1981 march
me and menno are living together
love was great
mennos 13 inches felt amazing
i told menno about nils and how i still miss him
"well i'm not nils nut i do love you and i will do everything for us to be together" said menno
"i know"

1985 september
me and menno where still together
one day while going suit shopping i walked into axel
axel said "how are you"
i said i was fine
later that night i went back home and walked into menno lying on the ground
he wasnt moving or breathing
"this cant happen again" i said

1987 june
i was still alone, tired of life, addicted to alcohol
every night i get home drunk just to wake up in the morning to go back to the bar
one day i found out about anime
it was amazing seeing those little girls with hoge tits going on advantures
i turned my life around

1990 january
my parend where concerned about my anime addiction
nicky said "it is great you stopped getting drunk but watching softcore cartoon porn isnt any better"
ho said "i have no son"
i didnt knew anime was so bad

1993 july
i stopped watching anime
life was going well
i got a job selling sex toys door by door
i was getting rich
one day the police called me they knew who killed menno
it was axel
i was shocked

1993 november
i met with axel
"why"i asked
"i changed for you" said axel
axel dropped his pants
i was shocked, his ♥♥♥♥ was huge
that must be 34 inches minimum
"please have sex with me" said axel
i decides to go with it one last time
it felt amazing how he penetrated me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
the next morning i was sand to the hospital for internal bleeding

1995 april
axel huge ♥♥♥♥ made me live in a weelchair
it was worth the sex with him
axel told me about his friend
he was black and had a 36 inch slong
one night they both ♥♥♥♥ me in the ass
i split into 2 pieces having the best orgasem ever
the doctor got me trogether using super glue

1996 march
the police found axel and got him arrested for murder, axel is send to prison for life
now i am all alone again adicted to sex after the amazing orgasm
i was looking for someone whit a 34 inch ♥♥♥♥, i could'nt live whitout

1997 november
i went on vakation in spain
one day on the beach i met koen
i could see his genitals trough is pands
"hello?" said koen
"oh sorry, i noticed your slong" i said
Koen told me he isnt gay
i got him drugged and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ him in the ass later that night
i looked at his ♥♥♥♥, it must be like 27 inches
the next monring koen said "that was amazing, maybe we could make something of us"
i smiled

1998 july
koen and i lived together having all the sex we could
the day where simple, i spend the day selling sex toys and at night i meet koen at home naked in my bed.

1998 september
ofter one night spending at a gay bar i met jurre
jurre kept talking about his ♥♥♥♥
he said it was huge
i told hum to show it
we went together to the bathroom and jurre pulled down his pands
i was suprised!, his slong hit the floor
i spend the night having sex with jurre
his 2 meter long ♥♥♥♥ felt painfull in my ass, i loved the pain
the next monring i feld terrible, i cheated on koen

1999 january
my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fully recovered after having anal sex with jurre
i told koen i cheated on him
koen told me i will never see his ♥♥♥♥ again

2000 july
after spending one year alone i decided to meet jurre again
i went to the same gaybar there i found him before
i met jonathan there
"sorry but jurre is dead"said jonathan
"what happend? " i said
jonathan told me he was stabbed to death after filming a prank for youtube
"i was given his 2 meter long ♥♥♥♥ after the funeral and got it attatched to my body" said jonathan
the moment i heard that jonathan has a slong of 2 meters i started flirting with him
after 2 dates we went to jonathan's place
he showed me his sex device
"this is the Ultra ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™" said jonathan
he put the device in my ass and put his ♥♥♥♥ in my mouth
a feeling like this was amazing
my ♥♥♥♥ got so hard is grew twice the regulat size
i ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jonathan in the ass an killed him with my extremely high velocity ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
i was alone again

2005 january
after 5 years alone i got a messege on my phone "i escaped, and i'm coming for you"
"who is this? "i asked
"meet me at the gaybar" he said
i went directly to the gaybar
he is alive, a cant believe it
it was nils
i ran at him ant hugged him, i cried
"i missed you so much" i cried
"i missed you too" nils said
nils told me how he was taken hostage by ther russian maffia and he was used as a hetro sex slave
"thats terrible!" i said
"butt lastweek i escaped and i started heading your way, i love you" nils said
we spend the night ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in each outhers ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

2005 march
nils asked what happend with axel
"he is in prison for murder, and his ♥♥♥♥ is 34 inched now" i cried
nils was thinking
"we should break him free" nils said
later the same week we hired a team to break axel free
the team showed up in a van after the break out in front of my house
i looked trough a window
axel stepped out of the van
i smiled an told nils axel is free
nils and i hugged axel
"i am so happy right now, its like old time again" is cried
"except for axel monster ♥♥♥♥"said nils jokingly
we spend the night having oral sex

2006 july
i could see the future ahead of me, spending the rest of my life with the partners i loved from the beginning
the future looket better than ever and i'm sure axel and nils feld the same way

2006 august
i woke up in the morning, the door bel was ringing
i opened the door, koen was standing in front of the door
"Koen?!" is said
"i miss you tyrone"said koen
"you told me i would never see you ♥♥♥♥ again" i said angry
"i know" koen cried
i closed the door
"who was that?" nils asked
"no one"

2007 march
i got a letter in the mail
i opend it "i still miss you, i think about you every night"
the letter was written by koen
i got scared
what if axel or nils opened this letter?
i quickly got rid of the letter
/\ story continues in the text above/\
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13,6 ώρες συνολικά
Σε παιχνίδι
1,3 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 20 Οκτ
81 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 19 Οκτ
Mykie 23 Αυγ, 13:45 
Maybe next time lil sis
Larson 21 Αυγ, 7:15 
+ rep sorry voor het killen
Ob1to 1 Ιουν, 18:01 
+ rep the true heroes ,thx for the last match
Argint 1 Ιουν, 18:01 
+rep the true heroes thx for last cs match
RafaTB 1 Ιουν, 18:00 
+Rep the true heroes
suka 1 Ιουν, 18:00 
+rep legend