snowy the xmas pixie
snowy   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
peace love and CHOCOLATE CAKE. x

CoMe OvEr To ThE dArKsIdE- wE hAvE cOoKiEs

snowy the xmas pixie 19 giu 2011, ore 17:19 
awww fanx babes !! sshhhhhllllluuuuuurrrp !
MrBear 18 giu 2011, ore 7:29 
U did'nt - we just started a new team - more friendly and better friends than TSG, so welcome aboard baby, love ya xxx
snowy the xmas pixie 16 giu 2011, ore 13:14 
why did I get kicked off a team ? :*( cries
MrBear 25 dic 2010, ore 2:57 
Hi Babe - HooPy Christmas Lub eWe ! ;o)