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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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5 от 45 (11%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

The Golden Idol

Complete "The Golden Idol".
Откл. на 2 март в 22:07

The Break-In

Complete "The Break-In".
Откл. на 2 март в 23:03

Literary Bug

Learn an ability from an Adventure book.
Откл. на 3 март в 3:11

The Right Note

Clobber an enemy with a guitar.
Откл. на 3 март в 21:09

Your Own Medicine

Disarm an enemy with your whip and then use his weapon to knock him out.
Откл. на 3 март в 3:07

Tuned In

Bring all radio frequencies to Gina.


Return all Lost Artifacts.


Photograph Ernesto.


Learn 10 abilities from Adventure books.


Learn all abilities from Adventure books.

Tour de Force

Defeat all boxing champions.

Field Survey

Collect 50 Journal notes.


Collect all Journal notes in the game.

Pest Control

Hit an enemy with a fly swatter.

Apple of Discord

Hit an enemy with an apple.

A Little Tumble

Push an enemy off a ledge.

Offensive Defense

Knock out an enemy using only counters.

A Slippery Customer

Dodge a power punch.

Little Horn

Eat a Cornetto.

Bread is Life

Eat an Aish Baladi Bread.

Celestial Delight

Eat a Star Fruit.

Filling in the Blanks

Revisit a location.


Capture 50 Photographs for your Journal.

Остават 22 скрити постижения

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