[?] rOKZYE
Michael   Belgium
Attended CoD4 Lans:

Frag-o-Matic 13.1
Frag-o-Matic 14.0
The Party 10
IDentity LAN
The Reality XIV
FPS x HoG Zagreb #2

ESL Profile:

Play-Drops 27.10.2016 klo 13.27 
-rep 999 ping
Ms.CaVeiRa 22.11.2015 klo 6.09 
seit jahren einer meiner lieblings spieler :) <3 rOKZYE<3
WeStA 27.9.2015 klo 13.13 
frogerrino 10.12.2014 klo 15.35 
most idiot kid in the world ,delete cs
BozkurtTR67 26.6.2014 klo 15.35 
He looks behind the wall and directed gun on me used wallhack and aimboot
Nachtfalke 12.11.2013 klo 13.24 
belgian ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ , reported on Activison HP , THX 4 TAPE , gaylord