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4.0 godz. łącznie
- It is somewhat fun to play, but not on Keybord and mouse.
- The singleplayer campain is fairly enjoyable (if short) for a multiplayer game, but don'T expect much depth.
- Sadly it has a lot of customisables that can break the emersion.
Opublikowana: 30 czerwca 2019.
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7.4 godz. łącznie
I got it really cheap and I don't regret buying it, but to be honest I think it is a bit laking and behaves a bit clunky. Even compared to the first one this has a lot of invisible walls.
Opublikowana: 30 czerwca 2019.
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108.5 godz. łącznie (35.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
TL;DR: A game with some similarities to Vermintide or L4D. I needs a lot of polishing, but can be fun with friends. Give it a try when it is on discount.

First I only played the MP so I can't tell you much about SP, other that there is a campain.
Also this is one of those games, where it is hard to decide if you want to rate it positivly or not. I decided that mixed seems a bit to negative so I recommended it. Would the overall rating be positive I might had not given it a recommandation.

++ Music: I Like the music, but honestly powermetal works better with that. Just put on "Amen and attack" and go kill some nids.
- Weapon sounds: quite disapointing actually. The only bolter that sounds like a bolter (in my opinion) is the hellfire variant.
++ Grafics: I like the grafics a lot. There might not be the best out there, but they do the job to give you a 40k feeling even if a lot of the probs are recycled.
+ Map design: It is hit an miss, but when it hits it hits hard. Some places look a bit strange for a spaceship, other parts look extremly 40k. Given that there is relativly little known about the entirior of Spaceships in 40k, There did a good job. Now and then they suprise with crew quarters and such. But on the other hand, they block some doors with crates wich was a stupid idea some 30 years ago, but gets really stupid if you are a multitonn powerhouse that crushes through walls in the same map.

++ I like the basic concept of Tanks, Support and Dmgdealer. Also the class concept allowes on principle to fill more roles with one class depending on team and situation
+ On that note the only terminator Type I miss is a techmarine
-- Weapon design: sadly the game suck badly at it. almost all weapons feel more like standart shooter weapons and not like the weapons they should be (with a few exeptions like the the hellfire, that at least feels like a bolter (even if it doesn't feel like the stormbolter it should be). Also there are bad weapons or weapons that you have to level up to make them useful.
--- A lot of weapons are without any sense (at least none that I can see) limited to certain classes or partner weapons.
- Close combat: Close Combat is fun, but needs a lot of polishing.
-- Some classes are just better than others. A chaplain among tacticals could just sing "everything you can do I can do better..." but that is just an example. Just as a tip choose apothecary (hellfire) as your first class. The others will like you and you can also bring quite some pain.
-- I was very happy playing a lybrarian in a shooter game. Sadly the class is just bad and doesnt stand close to the librarians in the fluff.
--- On that note: exept for walking and the brilliant Armour and Minimap system, you dont really feel like a space marine much less a terminator. Some my argue that that is for balancing, but to that WHAT Balancing??? Also just look at vermintide for that. If you want to have more power for your guys throw in more enemies.
- Also I hate grind and it has to much of that in it, but compared to vermintide it is easy going. Would have been better without it thought.

- No modsupport. Honestly that is very sad, almost all problems I have with the game could be fixed with decent modding and given that 40k has almost everywhere an exeptionally strong mod community, I honestly don't get it. (For example just think of ultimate appocolypse or Warsword conquest. There was even a deathwing mod for l4d (that is older than this game).

+ The game was created Streum. I really liked the defenetly not Warhammer mess of a game that was E.Y.E. (honestly it was rought around the edges and even with an explanaiton I didn't get most of the story, but it was inovative ad at times quite brilliant). I am happy for them that they could eventually do a warhammer game with the licens.
Opublikowana: 11 stycznia 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 11 stycznia 2019.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
110.9 godz. łącznie (110.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I personally dislike the game and therefore don't play it much anymore. So why do I recommend it? Despite its shortcomings to my enjoyment, I can see that it is a well made game.

++++ Good modding: Nothing more to say about that. You can make and change much content for your personal experience, not just estethics. It is just great.
++ There are some coop aspects in the game, while you are also free to do things on your own. I like that. Sadly the combat isn't that interesting, so there are not so many things you can really do to aid each other. Coop is pretty much like in minecraft, could be better, but is okay.
+ Visuals: The game has a very simplistic visual style that nearly perfectly fits together. The animations are okay but somewhat monotone in farming.
+ Audio: simple yet creative. The replacement of a characters voice with a certain instrument has this peter and the wulf stile and adds good together.
+++ Price: Honestly I thing you get a lot for your money here. I don*t regret that I bought this.

--- Crafting: I don't like the craftig system. You can not get creative like in minecraft or build yourself up for a nomadic lifstile (wich would have fitted the game better in my opinion). A lot of the recepies seem to be overly complicated and break my imersion. This starts with golden tools and flintstone pickaxes and ends with the need to use stone to build a field. It also doesn't have real houses so all your stuff is build out there (I think it is wanted, so that weather could have more of an effect on you, but honestly thats why we build houses...). I would have liked some bigger buildings with a buildingt process where more ppl could work together on a project, but instead everything is instantly buildable as long as you have the resources.
--- The Weather effects and how to combat them are a big part of the game and you can change the harschness to your liking. My problem with it is the way you have to fight it. A melon hat is funny for a few hours but after that it becomes anoying. Also stayng in the shadow waiting that it will get cooler is just not much fun for me. Winter is fine.
- Map feels very static. There is not much change happening on it. I would have liked the abillity to add some harsher years or years where certain animals prosper stronger etc would have been nice. I also would have liked to change the difficultiy mid game.
-- Combat: The combat is just boring. You can add very little flavor with magic to it, but most of the time it is just health management, while you spam attack.
- Stupid "individual" outfits: The game has them too, but you don't have to play with ppl. who use them so that is not a big problem. Also some of them look quite fitting.
Opublikowana: 14 grudnia 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 9 maja 2019.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
124.1 godz. łącznie (120.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
---- Grindy AF, bad level desing and worse modding implementation.
++ Decent coop, fun combat.

Gameplay (partly compared to VT1)
+ The Combat is not very realistic with simple leftclick hitcombos that are pretty similar to the elderscrolls games. The true gem here is the footwork. You kann parry, Block, dodge, jump or just move out of the way. This give the fights a great feeling. Compared to VT1 the close combat weapons feel pretty simmilar now, I can't say if that is good or bad. I liked in either way.
+ Classes: the different classes are mostly okay. Some seem to have a class that is a bit useless and Slayerbardin is cool but very counterproductive to most coop games. All in all I am quite happy with them.
++ I played mostly sienna in VT1 and I do it now in VT2 too. I don't have enough hours to know how lategame sienna plays (grindy AF), but it seems that she is now more capable to does more than simple crowd controll.
+++ There are not many games with a decent coop that doesn't feel forced all the time. It is no alienswarm for sure, but with a bunch friends I can have a great time playing even with its flaws.
- Specials don't feel special anymore. There are just too many encounters. You won't wonder when or if they come. If you play a map a few times you'll just know when they will come and often even from where they are spawning.
-- They changed the Trait system. There are now less traits and trinkes are split into 3 specialised ones for Potions, Healing and Bombs. This takes agency from the players and streamlines gameplay uselessly. I dont like it.
--- Progression: This game is grindy without end and therefore gets more tedious than actual work some times. Everything from Weapons to Characterlevels must be leveld seperatly and in a game where Stats speaks higher than skills (unless you are extremly skilled that is) the random rerolls for traits and stuff adds extremly to that. The Powerlevel of weapons and the way you can improve it is extremly fixed to grinding again and again till you reach 300. Before that most crafting options are just a waste of time an resources.
- You get potentially better stuff when you play quickplay which is mostly with randoms (unless you play with 3 friends). This is quite annoying. This games is not build for random play.
- Monsters hit through solid objects and can walk into areas they do not fit. Nearly every times this happens there are clippingerrors strange glitching and you are in a combat situation that doesn't make sence or is fun.
- If you get fall damage or not largly seems come from if the devs want you to go there or not and not from the height, this is confusing at times.
- Sometimes a platform is just a bit to high so you cannot jump up and have to go a few steps to take the stairs other times a little pump needs you to jump over it where a step should just be enough. Thats just inconveniend.

Design & Story
When I compare Vermintide 2 to Vermindite 1 it feels a lot like the Hobbit to LotR. The grafics got better but it lost a lot of the things I liked.
++++ The new game is not a cheap reset of the old one where you can buy one dlc after another to get your old stuff back. You liked a certain weapon no problem it is already in VT2 (it might have changed a bit but thats understandable).
--- There are no short maps now. Honestly 20-40 min for Maps is too long. Most maps could have been easely 2-3 maps. So no short evening Vermintide 2 game with some friends anymore. Killed the game completly for some of my friends.
--- The stupid trend to take agency from the player is very present here. There are so many temporary Walls so you have to kill a certain Monster or you have to wait for wave so and so... even if there is no story to back that up.
-- The devs have no idea what weapons are for. I get that im some places game mechanics have to be more important than realism and that this game doesn't try to be realistic. But the damned pickaxe is now not amourpiercing AND IS crowdcontrol. Have you aver hold a Pickaxe in your hand??? Also the glaive is not a glaive it is just a weird two handed axe. The Halbert is really a pole axe (it may not look like a big deal but even if they look somewhat similar, they are extremly different weapons). The Falchion is a Machete. Oh and hammers are still not strong against armours (axes are for some reason), wich is just sad at this point, since fighting agains amours is the main fokus of hammer weapons. And I am sure I have forgotten some errors.
- They really got the wacky part of warhammer down (and sometimes dialed up a bit). Sadly they missed hard when it comes to the more important (in my oppinion) grimdark part. Some times it looks more like a parody of warhammer to me. The flare of dread that was in the first one is just gone.
-- There are a lot of invisible walls.
-- This might get fixed some day, but in the current version a lot of specials just suddently appear in lager areas without any animation or whole from wich they might have came. Also sometimes enemies just vanish into nothing in an instand.
- classes: Lore wise it would be a stretch to say it's just a stretch. Most classes hardly make any sence and that you can change between them doesn't make any. It would have been better to introduce more characters
- the Dialogs are partly pretty annoying. I don't get siennas extrem focus on the word "Darlings" or that pyromancer Sienna treats her ulty like her nephew. They overall lack the immersion of VT1.
- Fireball staffs fireball just looks meh in VT1 it looked so much better.
-- I kinda remember the devs said something about making the endchart of a mission go faster in vt2. Its slower now, full of useless animations and you have to open the chests you get later wich again takes a lot more time than it needs to.
-- There are quite a few glitches and clipping errors likes bardins thumb clipinkg into his shield or instandly appearing specials (and I don't talk about the mages). Now and than you
- I can't tell if the story itself just lack the quality of VT1 or if it is just the implementing of it, but I fear it is both. But storytelling was never the biggest thing in VT so it doesn't bother me that much.

DLC Policy
++ Fatshark had a above average DLC policy in VT1. In VT2 they stepped it up a notch by allowing you do play dlc-maps in random.
~ I personally thought their DLCs were and are just a bit too expensive for a few maps, but still above average. I would have prefered the arma way of putting new resources (like houses, Tables ect) in their dlc maps and let the modding comunity go wild with them.

Thats a big one for me. I wrote on my rewiev of Vermintide I, that I would give this game despite its flaws a thumps up if it had propper Mod support.
Now Vermintide 2 has mod support... and somhow it is less modfriendly than Vermintide 1!!! ]
---- There is a realm for unmodded and sancioned mods and a realm where modders can roam free. The sad part is, that nothing you do in the modded realm has any relevance. You can not progress in the game, level up, save or get new stuff etc. It is nothing but a testing ground. Modding is freedom. You don't play the game you want to play in the way you want to play. No one bets an eye when I take a saw and make a bed out of my table, but in Software it is often looked down upon. People like different things, so why block people from having a better experience by changing the game to suit there interest? I get that there are limits in an online game. But I thought that was what the moddet realm was for. As long as whatever you are doing doesn't impackt the experience of the other players it should just be fine!
~ I still stand by my qoute. Put in propper Modsupport and I recomend it
Opublikowana: 4 września 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 8 września 2018.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2.2 godz. łącznie
I played it during the free weekend. I had it on my wishlist, but I was quite sceptical about it. Now I now that this game is not for me. I wouldn't say its bad, if you like fighting games this might be a game for you, but it feels a bit unpolished and needlessly overgrinded.

- When it comes to console ports it is certanly one of the better ones. But it is clear that it is optimised around a controler witch I personally don't like.
- unscipable cut szenes
- The Hud is designed for a televison setup not a desctop
- the you get sometimes stuck on smal boulders and stuff that you can overrun in other areas
- Why is there even a grinding system in a game like this?
- no mod support
- one on one is quite fun but the normal enemies aren't really a threat to anyone and the bosses seem to be always surroundet by mobs, so that realt one on one might be a pvp only thing.
- you can not jump
- the world is not very open it feels more like a system of streets

But the animation are quite good
Opublikowana: 3 sierpnia 2018.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
1.3 godz. łącznie
I played it only during the free weekend and was a bit put off, that they kinda went out of their way to tell you, that they don't allow for mods in this single player game and that the free weekend was essentially a demo with a lot of cut content for wich I downloaded nearly a 100 gb.

In itself it doesn't seem to be a bad game, but I wouldn't call it good either. The fighting (on normal) is way to easy and extremly repetative even after a short while. The different level and grind systems are just there and seemed a bit pointless to me.
It plays a lot like prototype in a lotR setting, but it seem to have a better story and a more boring figthing system.

It also feels like a consol port in every mechanic and the way the menu is used, which is (to me) alway a bad thing, but it is a rather good port I will give them that.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that they use the game for datamining, wich makes it kind of a rip off at full price
Opublikowana: 20 maja 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 20 maja 2018.
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53.3 godz. łącznie
The best of the three Shadowrun games. A bit text heavy from time to time, but with interesting characters and a nice story to go with.
Opublikowana: 27 lutego 2018.
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144.3 godz. łącznie (130.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
the game has a lot of good mechanics and a ton of good mods. The only thing it is really lacking is a multiplayer that could caputere the singleplayer experience and that the cool fightmechanik is a bit rough sometimes.
- Oh and the shield that is been used as a counterweight most of the times and gets dropped during a weapon change. I hate that.

but aside from that it is pretty much one of the best medival games there is.
Opublikowana: 21 grudnia 2017.
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64.4 godz. łącznie (49.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Not a deep game, but it is fun and most classes have some good use. Its all about the right combination. The story isn't to deep but funny.
Opublikowana: 21 grudnia 2017.
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