Charles Robert Darwin
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pepe 28 Feb @ 7:10am 
my friend charles loves the lady boys
pepe the frog 17 Feb @ 12:20pm 
pepe the frog 19 Sep 2024 @ 2:46am 
متخلفاRebeca Andrade 11 Agu 2024 @ 11:46pm 
Charles Robert Darwin was a British naturalist, geologist, and biologist best known for his theory of evolution through natural selection. His groundbreaking work, "On the Origin of Species", proposed that species evolve over time through a process of variation, competition, and survival of the fittest. Darwin's ideas revolutionized the understanding of biological diversity and laid the foundation for modern evolutionary biology. His extensive research, including observations made during his voyage on HMS Beagle, provided crucial evidence supporting his theories.
متخلفاRebeca Andrade 11 Agu 2024 @ 11:42pm 
Molski is a universal concept, representing vision, sound, voice, hunger, and thirst. He is a universal entity, influencing thoughts, speaking, and having fans.
متخلفاRebeca Andrade 11 Agu 2024 @ 11:41pm 
The author desires to live in a log cabin with Molski, avoiding ♥♥♥ but experiencing a simmering ♥♥♥♥♥♥ undercurrent. They will ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ upstairs, thinking of women while focusing on Molski. Eventually, they both deny themselves and return to their past. One day, one of them will die, and the other will bury him outside the cabin, committing suicide.