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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 2,022.8 h en tout (1,480.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 23 nov. 2017 à 1h51
Mis à jour : 28 mars 2024 à 15h40

Remember when warframe was a game about space ninjas and not Canadians and their views on politics?

WF is still my favorite game, and I adored the devs, but ♥♥♥♥ always happens when you as a company get too political, and having checked twitter the last few weeks, they literally posted only politics. I remember the days when DEVELOPERS posted stuff which updated you on the DEVELOPMENT of the game!!!


Story: ***
Grind: **
Balance: **
Weapons: ****
Movement: *****
Dev Team: ****
Multiplayer: *
Host Migration: *
Bugs: ****
Community: ***
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