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投稿日: 2020年11月24日 11時01分
更新日: 2020年11月26日 11時21分

The game has a very baldur's gate feel to it, so on that it succeeds. The problem I feel is game balance. If you don't pick up all the companions right away, every encounter is a start over waiting to happen. If you do pick them all up, then every encounter is either too easy or most likely a total party wipe. There's no even fights.

At one point I made a perception check and found a spike trap. Hovering over it, I got an activity icon. I figured I'd disable the trap and move on, nope, walked right over it even though I could see it. Set it off, killed my entire party. They could see the trap, why would they walk over it, if they KNOW it's there?!
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