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Nylige anmeldelser av Animaznman

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30 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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231.4 timer totalt (173.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you're looking to get into TTRPGs, and are thinking about using this don't. Especially if you're going into Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

For a while, FGU has been the best VTT out there. This was the case for so long, I feel that the dev team just sat on their laurels and didn't bother ensuring their status on top.
Lack of innovation and need to be pushed forward leaves everybody with this gawdawful antiquated UI that is smack dab out of the 90s.
Barely anything about using this VTT is intuitive. It took me way too many videos to get the basics down of how this is supposed to be used, and if you're not using FGU for D&D, forget about it. I even joined their educational discord and got a few lessons in on what to do basic things like creating a character sheet
Sure, they have a good amount of rulesets out the gate, and you can technically download mod packs from other devs, but it's not streamlined. This work process would be fine if we were still in the 2000s . But we're not, and they've had so much time to make it better.
When I look at other VTTs, like Arkenforge and Foundry, I feel like FGU may have been innovative near its release, but now it's being left in the dust. Both of these VTTs allow for audio to be played in maps directly, but many FGU proponents will say "Oh, but that's not what the point is of FGU." YOU'RE WRONG. If you can't make the VTT more immersive, and do something that even roll20, a free service can, then you are digging your own ditch.

An extra note from Pathfinder players out there: If you're getting this because they have the whole thing where you can buy packs from FGU and Paizo will attach PDFs to your account, still don't do it. Foundry does the same thing. Paizo basically does this with all VTTs that really want it because they actually want people to play their game and have resources to do so. D&D players get screwed over by WotC/ Hasbro on this one.

Save your money, and buy a superior product.
Publisert 26. januar 2023.
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59.7 timer totalt (56.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you have friends to play this, I would definitely recommend this game at full price. As a single player zelda-like game, it's not too bad, but definitely has some pieces lacking.
Publisert 28. november 2021.
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5.8 timer totalt (2.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
General impressions of this game is that it's some light casual fun. It gets fairly chaotic every now and then, but you'd expect that with a game this silly.

I played the original when I was in middle school, and when I saw they were making a sequel I was pretty hyped. The game is still in early access, but I think it's enjoyable in its current iteration. That's not to say there are things that could be improved.

For those who are weary of Early Access, like I am sometimes, this game has one of those communities where the devs will look at feedback, especially of that given on the discord. It's small team working, so it may feel like they take a while to get it done, but they'll get it done.

Things that I love about it is that it has the same chaoticness and thrills that I got from the first one. It'll have those "OH MAN, I JUST BARELY GOT YOU." or the, "WHAT?! HOW DID THAT WORK?" moments for sure. And it's a game that has low skill entry point. Move and click in the direction you want to shoot, much easier than regular FPS/TPS games. Even just loading up this game to shoot bots in the face has enjoyability.

For those who played Ijji's GUNSTER, you might think that this is a less grindy version of the game, and you'd be right. There's no progression, which some people may like, others may not. I personally would like it if there were at the very least cosmetic unlockables that you'd get as you play the game. They could do a dropbox system much like dota, without requiring keys. Gun balance might need a little work. I've only felt like a few of the weapons were underwhelming. One thing that's a bit clunky as of writing this review is that there's no way to just create a lobby and have friends join off of you. You'd need to download the server files (which are readily available on their website,) and host it off of a linux server. Not the worst thing in the world, but boy is that not streamlined. Playerbase isn't that high at the moment, but I'm confident it'll boost back up once this game leaves early access. For now, I'm fine with just playing with my small group of friends and the randos who pop in.

Overall, my recommendation is a yes. Especially if:
  • You like a more casual game
  • You don't want to commit too much time to 'git gud'
  • Don't mind an incomplete game

Definitely hold off on this if you don't match with even one of the things listed above.
Publisert 1. desember 2020.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
145.4 timer totalt (137.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I don't usually write reviews for games, but when a game like this comes out, I feel like I owe it to the devs. I'm sure if you want a list comparison of pros and cons, you can look for other user's reviews.

This game was such an experience. It is immersive, it is deep, and so well crafted. I am almost mad at myself for having slept on this game for so long. IF you play this game throughout the prologue, you get a hint of how much love was put into this game. I can tell that there was huge amounts of passion put into making this and heavily suggest buying this game, even without the sale! All DLCs are appropriately priced as well, with the biggest one having highest price tag. Gamers, please try this wonderful experience.

Publisert 10. april 2020.
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16 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
52.2 timer totalt (13.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
This game is pretty good. It's a nice sandbox to tide me over. Lots of people are saying that it's like ARK but with cowboys, and honestly for the most part I agree.

It being a game in early access, means some things are still clunky. However, the devs look like they're fairly active and the community is only growing.

I like the crafting and building system. The taming system could use some work. After you've established yourself, I feel like the game might need to add some more. Somebody commented that there should be quests that are given to you by NPCs. I think that would be a fantastic addition to the game. Besides that, shooting baddies and rounding up horses ends up being the thing you'll be doing for a majority of the game besides crafting and resource gathering.

I'm leaning more towards yes than no at the moment.

Other disclaimer. I personally hate ARK. The fact that the devs for it sold DLC WHILE IT WAS IN EARLY ACCESS was the worst. That being said, Wandering Wizard is the western fraction of Snailgames, and I believe they're doing enough to not be like Snailgames. Hopefully I won't eat my words when this game releases DLC before its finished.
Publisert 3. desember 2019.
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20.0 timer totalt (5.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
1st 10 minutes into game:
- Spawn into area
- Spawn my teammate into area
- Teammate proceeds to machine gun me down.

2nd 10 minutes into game:
- Me and teammate join somebody else's match
- Spawn onto the host's avatar, thus killing them.

3rd 10 minutes into game:
- Same game from above
- Somebody else joins the match
-They spawn onto the host's avatar, killing them again.

Publisert 26. november 2017.
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20.5 timer totalt
Who doesn't want to hug a British robot?
Publisert 23. november 2016.
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