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Remedial Tester 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 95.7시간 (평가 당시 93.0시간)
First thing first. I DON'T recommend this game, if you have nobody to play with. Since the online scene is dead, so you'll not be able play the VS part of the game. Leaving with only a score attack mode that will get stale, since it's against yourself to see how high you can climb the leader board.

The Best way I can think of how to describe Lupinball, is that it's a couch competitive VS bullet hell game, which is easy to learn and hard to master. As everyone knows to doge the fireballs, but not everyone knows if they should or when to pick up an item. VS is for 2-4 player if done online instead of locally the rules are as followed; first to 5 wins, items on and friendly fire off. if played locally theses rules can be configured to your liking.

The core gameplay mechanics are; shielding, shooting and orb collecting. Shooting is the offensive move of game and unless you're going to wait for a certain item to drop or friendly fire is on it's only way to win. But you can't spam it as it needs to be powered by collect at lest three orbs, And takes a second to charge up, were you can't move. So being trigger happen can lead to your downfall. Shielding is your defensive move, reflecting any incoming fireballs back. It can used with any amount of orbs collected, but the more the better as it determines how long the shield lasts. but it's also a non-lethal offensive move where it can stun others or break other shields. Orb collecting is how you power your shoots and shields , and is what forces you get in the way of fireballs as they spawn randomly on the map to be picked up and you can only hold up to three at a time. so you'll be using them quickly to get your fireballs fired and to prevent others from collecting them.

Matches in Lupinball have no time limit, but generally go by quickly. As at some point someone screws up, the pattern made by the players can't be dodged and they can't use a shield at the time, or the increasing speed of the fireballs becomes too much.

Each map plays differently, some are more gimmicky then others. but there is enough to ensure that the maps themselves aren't getting too repetitive.

Now for somethings I would like to point out. All the wolves are the same, just different colours. So whom you pick doesn't matter, unless you have issues noticing the difference in colour , but there is a colourblind mode if you have troubles.
This can be played with just a keyboard, but I recommend a controller for finer control of your wolf's movement and aiming.
And this game uses Peer-to-Peer connections for online communication.

TL;DR a quick, complex, Bullet hell vs game. which is a lot of chaotic fun, with just enough quantity to prevent it from getting stale too quick.
2019년 6월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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